An Unexpected Wake-up

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*You awake to find yourself in a lab in a bed near another bed with someone in it*

Y/N: Where am I? Who am I? What's happening right now!?

*The other person in the bed wakes up and hyperventilates while waking up same as you*

?: Where am I?!

Y/N: That's what I've been asking too! Hey, calm down and tell me what your name is.

Tari: From what I can remember my name is Tari.

Y/N: Well Tari, now is an odd time for introductions but my name is Y/N.

Tari: Well nice to see you and I guess we should get out of here.

Y/N: I agree.

* You and Tari leave the lab and while walking out of the alleyway you have flashbacks of your past and remember who you are, what happened, what team you were in before this, all your friends and family, and a once forgotten name comes to your mind again. Project Parabolica*

*Tari would also be having flashbacks as she falls to the ground from it*

Y/N: Woah Tari be careful! Are you all right?

Tari: I can't say for sure but I do know one thing, that we're here and now.

Y/N: Yeah and it's a pretty bright place we've come in.

*As both of you get up you would look around the place that is Silica City*

*As both of you get up you would look around the place that is Silica City*

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Y/N and Tari: Woah!

*There would be shots of people playing video games on the street, entire hubs full of TVs, consoles, and controllers, and so many billboards that it would make Times Square look like a street corner in this City*

Tari: What is this place?

Y/N: I can't be so sure to say I can remember, let's walk around and see what we can find or do.

*Both of you would walk around the city seeing the said massive skylines and billboards overlooking everyone below. And you would both chuckle as one guy misses his bus while playing an excessive amount of Candy Crush trying to beat his mom's record in the game*

Random Girl: AGH stupid vending machine.

Tari: Is something wrong?

Girl: Ah my days ruined cuz of this stupid thing.

Y/N: Let me help with that. *SLAPS VENDING MACHINE*

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