Back to School

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*Tari is being escorted by a TasCorp guard back to her room. When she arrives to her room, she'd look at the guard for a few seconds before he closed the door. Then, Tari would pull out the Tablet she had kept hidden under her bed. She'd open the tablet and open "Pocket Gakusei"*

Tari: Okay here we go... wait... I should call Y/N before I get in.

*Tari would call Y/N from her meta runner arm as the line lasted for a few seconds*

Y/N: Hello?

Tari: Y/N?

Y/N: Hey Tari! So, are you ready to do it?

Tari: Yup, get ready to join my server when you can.

Y/N: Got it, I'll see you soon.

Tari: Ok, bye!

Y/N: Bye!

*Tari would hang up the call*

Tari: Don't worry guys, I'll talk to you soon.

*Tari would warp into the game inside of a classroom. A few seconds later, Y/N would also join and appear right next to her*

Tari: Y/N?!

Y/N: Tari!

*Tari and Y/N would hug each other in the game and embrace each other for a bit. Letting themselves feel each other for the first time since Y/N was shot*

Tari: *Slightly crying* Y/N... I missed you so much.

Y/N: Don't worry Bluejay, I'm here for you now. And now, we're here for our friends.

Tari: Right. Let's see what we can do here

*Then, a girlish voice would come out speaking sush- I mean Japanese*

Y/N: Where's that voice coming from?

Tari: Let's see...

*Tari would use her meta runner vision, as would Y/N. Then their meta runner visions would project a Japanese student in their classroom by the name of I don't know yet because I don't speak Japanese*

Tari: Oh! Hello there, I'm so sorry I don't speak-

Y/N: Wait... It can translate. That's awfully convenient.

Japanese girl: My name is Kizuna Ai, nice to meet you two! You can just call me Ai-chan!

Tari: We'll it's nice to meet you too Ai-chan! My name is Tari.

Y/N: Same here! And my name is Y/N.

Ai-chan: Hello Tari and Y/N-chan! Welcome to Pocket Gakusei! Since you two are new students in the school, I have been assigned to help you as a guide!

Tari: Oh that's great! We're actually looking for our friend.

Y/N: Yeah, and maybe you could help us with that? His name is Lamar Williams.

Tari: And we're pretty sure he plays this game.

Ai-chan: Lamar Williams?

*Ai-chan would close her eyes to check for any "Lamar Williams" in the game*

Ai-chan: I am sorry, there are no users with that screen name.

Y/N: Shoot she's right, he'd be under a screen name.

Tari: Hmm, maybe AnimeKing20?

*Ai-chan would check*

Ai-chan: I'm sorry, there no users with that name.

Tari: What else does he use? Umm...

Y/N: How about, OtakuPrince?

*Ai-chan would check again*

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