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"Jogiyo, why is this still here? Please take care of this." Wonwoo stared at the busy bee, who has been running around since he had seen her. The shoot had come to an end yet she was still running around asking others to fix this and that.

"Mwoya?" Seungcheol asked taking a seat beside Wonwoo. He groaned something about weather being too hot but was not paid attention to. "You keep staring at her." Seungcheol said finally gaining Wonwoo's attention.

"Ani. I was just looking." Wonwoo denied averting his eyes to other side, where he saw Mingyu and Vernon approaching.

"Same thing. You've been staring at her for quite a while now." Seungcheol said narrowing his eyes at his dongsaeng's behaviour.

"Whose been staring at whom?" Mingyu asked as both he and Vernon joined them.

"Wonu, at that lady." Seungcheol said nodding his head towards Rumi who was now carrying a large box by herself while a man ran behind her. "You both know her, right?" Wonwoo's ears peaked in attention.

"We do." Vernon nodded his head. "We met her when we went out for dinner, it was fun." Vernon explained nodding to himself as if revisiting the memories. "Waeyo, what about her?"

"It's nothing. I think I've seen her before." Wonwoo replied this time.

"Of course, you must have not only seen her before but must have heard of her." Kim Jungho, their makeup artist piped in handing each them a bottle of water.

"What do you mean?" Seungcheol asked looking up at him.

"You haven't heard? The lady Casanova?" He asked whispering the later part. All four of them shook their heads. Kim Jungho looked left and right before motioning them to lean in. "That's Rumi Raikar aka Lady Casanova. She has created her own harem since she has joined the company. The range goes from staff to idols, both male and female included." He explained eyes pointed at Rumi, the four followed the direction of his eyes; there stood Rumi now surrounded by group of ladies, giggling and locking their arms with her.

"Wah. When did this happen?" Mingyu muttered staring at her. Kim Jungho suddenly snapped his head towards Mingyu, almost startling him. "Mwo? Mwo? Mwo? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mingyu asked leaning back.

"Aren't you one of them?" He asked staring Mingyu then slowly turning his head towards the ladies gathered around Rumi.

"De?!" Mingyu exclaimed backing away. "Aniyo!" He shook his head vigorously. "Hyung, jinja. It's nothing like that." Mingyu said looking at his brothers for help. Seungcheol narrowed his eyes.

"You better not." Seungcheol warned. "Like someone else. She doesn't look like a good person."

"Hyung, jinja!"

"You too." Seungcheol said turning towards Wonwoo, who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, why was he being dragged into this.

Fate was really playing it's cards that day. Mingyu made himself smaller as he had the voices approaching nearer. Seungcheol had already taken the role of protective father as he saw them approaching.

"Rumi-sii where were you trying to run huh?" Ha Ji won one of the from the team dragged Rumi along with her. Rumi cried mentally, all she thought was thar she had just show her face and go, she never thought she would've to work her ass off and then attend this after dinner. Why do these Korean have such obsession with after dinner and things?! Nobody wants to eat with their colleagues after spending their whole day with them. They just want to go back home. I want to go home! She mentally cried.

"Ji won-sii, listen I have to-"

"There's nothing you have to do. Come on. After working the whole day, everyone deserves a drink." Ji won dragged and pushed her down on the only empty seat which unfortunately was beside Mingyu.

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