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Rumi pinched her nose bridge and took a sharp breath. "I-Rumi-sii, I-" Rumi held up her hand making Wonwoo clam his mouth shut.

"Joahae unnie!" Jangmi shouted drowsily before loosing her conscious again. "Yah, yah!" Wonwoo said trying to get a hold of her. Vernon rushed to his side, aiding him to pull Jangmi on her feet. Both silently stared at Jangmi and Rumi who looked like she was about to lose it.

"I'll take her." Vernon said grabbing Jangmi and dragging her out of there. Wonwoo opened and closed his mouth in disbelief, how can he leave him alone with her. Wonwoo glanced at Rumi, who fuming in anger muttering something in unknown language. Her shirt torn open, revealing her covered bust. Wonwoo averted his eyes, his cheek taking a light shade of pink. Shaking off his thoughts, he removed his own shirt.

"Umm, wear this." He said holding his shirt towards her. Rumi glanced at the shirt and at him turned head. Sighing she took the shirt, she had no option but accept it, thankfully he was wearing a undershirt. She muttered a thank you and remove her own to change and then stopped glancing at Wonwoo, his back turned towards her, ears turned red.

"Excuse me." She said and walked back into washroom to change. "Konta phukat nasib hota majha aaj. (What kind of bad luck did I have today)" Rumi muttered removing her shirt. "Madar-gelya janmat kutri vagre hoti kay hi (Was she a dog in her past life or what?)" She muttered staring at the red marks on her neck in the mirror. Getting drunk was not enough that she had to be attacked like this. Rumi sighed splashing her face with cold water, hoping to sober up. The headache was already coming. "Fuck, how am I getting home, today?" She asked herself wiping her face with her now buttonless shirt.

"My poor shirt." She pouted looking at it longingly before putting it aside and wearing Wonwoo's shirt. Buttoning up, she stared at herself in mirror. "Has Rumi Has (Smile Rumi smile)" She said slapping her face few times before putting on a smile. "Hmm" Nodded to herself she picked up her shirt and walked out of the washroom. Wonwoo was waiting, staring at his feet hands tucked in his pant pockets. Rumi took in a breath before stepping towards him. "I am really sorry, Wonwoo-sii" She bowed her head.

"Aniyo, aniyo." Wonwoo shook his head removing his hands from his pocket. "In fact, I am sorry. If I hadn't pulled her like that then your shirt..." He trailed off looking at his shirt. It looks good on her. What I am thinking? Wonwoo shook his head again, getting rid of his thoughts.

"Oh no. You don't have to be sorry. If it hadn't been you then I would've been in great trouble." Rumi said. "Thank you really. For helping me out earlier and for this shirt." She said smiling up at him. Wow. Wonwoo thought. How can she smile, just like that? Wasn't she fuming in anger before? Unknowingly Wonwoo was staring at her, she really did look good in his shirt. "Umm shall we get going?" Rumi asked snapping him out of his thoughts.

"A-ah, ye, ye." Wonwoo said as both of them started making way out of the alley. "Ah, majda." He said pulling out Rumi's phone from his back pocket. "You kept getting calls. I was supposed to give it to you but..." He trailed off thinking back to the tragic event.

"Gamavo." Rumi smiled taking her phone from his hand. The screen lit up showing the missed calls. Aai (2) Missed calls, Tai (6) Missed calls. Clearing the notification, she said. "No one important."

"Are you sure, it kept ringing for-"

"Ah you are here." Seungcheol said walking towards them. The dinner had ended, most of them had left, leaving few drunks loitering. "Vernon and Mingyu, went to drop off Jangmi." Seungcheol explained glancing at Rumi. "You left your keys on table." He said handing them when he noticed her scanning the table behind him.

"Ah, thank you." Rumi bowed her head, which was a bad decision. The quick movement made her dizzy making her grab onto Wonwoo's arm for balance. "Rumi-sii!" Wonwoo and Seungcheol worriedly called out her name grabbing her arms. "I'm fine. I am fine." Rumi assured stepping back as both of them reluctantly let go off her. "Thank you." She smiled taking the keys. "Then I'll see you around." She said and walked off.

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