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"What seemed so urgent?" Hoshi muttered to himself making his way into the café. "Where is-ah." He saw a hand wave catching his attention. "Yah what ha-you broke it?!" Hoshi exclaimed looking at the white plaster covering her right hand. Rumi hummed nodding towards the chair across her. "Sit." Hoshi glanced at the chair and then at her, mwoji why am I suddenly getting a feeling as if I am going to get interrogated? "Is everything okay-" "Hmm the drinks are here." She cut him off as server arrived at their table carrying two glasses of what look like lime water. "If you want something else help yourself." She said pressing the straw between her lips. Hoshi warily nodded and settled down on the chair.

"So..." He trailed off playing the straw in his glass. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked gauging her expressions. They were blank. "What do you think I would want to talk about with you Hoshi?" She asked, a chill went down his spine. He gulped, "I don't know you called me saying you wanted to talk." Hoshi-ya stop smart mouthing it's not the right time. He mentally slapped his mouth for saying that. Rumi leaned back in her chair and stared at him. "M-mwo? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked avoiding her eyes. That sharp gaze was making him nervous, "Yahh what is it, you are scaring me." Hoshi said cautiously looking at her.

Rumi snorted, "It is now?" Rumi asked. "Did you not think about how scary it would be when eavesdropping on my conversation?" Rumi asked raising her eyebrows. Mwo? Hoshi furrowed his eyes before realization dawned about him. She had saw him listening into their conversation. His eyes widen in guilt. "M-mwo, what are you talking about- okay fine I accept it." He admitted noticing the glare she threw at him. "But Rumi-ya I swear I didn't mean to. I just-"

"Happen to be there just like that night." Rumi completed his sentence. Hoshi looked at her in surprise. She knew that he knew? "You seriously are trouble." Rumi sighed pinched her bridge of her nose. "Just what-what are you trying to do, Hoshi?" Hoshi shook his head. "Nothing I swear! I was really there to look for Wonwoo-" "Wonwoo-ssi had left ages ago." Hoshi clammed his mouth having no excuses. Rumi sighed rubbing her forehead. "This is just getting more difficult day by day." She muttered. "Rumi-ya I promise I won't tell anyone about it!"

"I know." Rumi said looking at him. "You've been keeping it to yourself since that day gives me enough proof." Rumi continued. She had doubts that he had found about it since the day they he suddenly wanted have lunch with her after ignoring her for days. She didn't question him as long as he was quiet about it but now he's was going around listening into their conservation. That can cause problem. The artist not supposed to know about anything of this; was the first crux of this assignment. "So... are you like our undercover bodyguard?" Rumi sighed rolling her eyes at his question. "Yahhh...you can tell me that much right since I know about it." He whined leaning on table. "Are you...?"

"No." Rumi flatly replied. "The less you know is better for you. Hoshi I am being serious stop being sneaky and trying to pry more since you've kept quiet about it then you must understand why am I telling you this?" Rumi said looking into his eyes. Hoshi pressed his lips together; he remembered hearing about her losing her job. "Okay." Hoshi nodded his head, "But don't you think we should know about this since it's regarding out safety?" Rumi stared at him. Since when he started thinking logically? "Why do we have security working under a disguise?" Hoshi asked raising his eyebrow in question.

"Your company is being extra cautious about it's artist protection." Rumi replied, Hoshi silently stared at her. Rumi sighed, "You are watching news right? You guys have very crazy fans who do crazier things so company's being cautious." He did not look convince. "Hoshi-ya, do you trust me?" She asked leaning closer to table. "Whatever it is, your crazy fans or such accidents I promise you I won't let it harm even a single hair of any of the boys. It doesn't matter what measures I have to take. Can you trust me on that?" Rumi asked.

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