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"Pi? Heh? I didn't squeeze that hard." Rumi said looking at Wonwoo's chest.

"No. Pi." Wonwoo said showing his fingers which were covered in blood. For sure there was blood on his fingers. Rumi worriedly grabbed his hands and started checking out for wounds.

"Where does it hurt? Show it to me!" She asked turning him around in circles to look for any wounds.

"I-I think it's not mine." Wonwoo said making her look up at him. "Not yours?" Wonwoo nodded his head and moved his eyes to Rumi's waist. Rumi followed his eyes.

"Ani, I just had my period a week ago." She replied turning around, showing her butt to Wonwoo, poor guy snapped his head away so fast one would get whiplash. "Is there anything on my pants?" Rumi asked trying to check her pants but failed to do so. "Can you see anything?"

"Uh..." Wonwoo trailed off hesitantly glancing at her butt. "No. There's nothing on your pan-wait a second." He walked towards her noticing a wet patch on shirt. "It's on the shirt." Wonwoo said touching the wet patch.

"Shirt...Ah!" She suddenly exclaimed holding up the shirt revealing a blood soaked bandaged on left side of her waist. Wonwoo worried snapped his eyes at her. Why was she wounded like that? "Ah sibal! Your shirt!" She muttered as she hurried walked off somewhere while unbuttoning the shirt.

"Mwo? Eo? What? But-" Wonwoo looked around questioning himself, what he should do? "Should I call an ambulance?" He asked himself looking at his phone in his hand. "Ani, she is still up and moving. Urghhh!" Wonwoo groaned pulling his hair. "Hospital! Yes, let's take her to hospital!" He nodded to himself. "Rumi-sii! Rumi-sii!" He called out her name while walking the way Rumi had walked off moments ago. Following the path, he reached the bathroom where Rumi stood in front of the mirror again shirtless, trying to aid her wound.

"Uh-Rumi-sii." Wonwoo called trying to not look at her shirtless figure.

"Ah Wonwoo-sii, you are here. Help me take of this bandage please." Rumi asked looking at him through the mirror. "I can't reach my back." She said trying to turn and remove it herself.

"Don't!" Wonwoo scolded running to her side. "Don't exert any more pressure on the wound." He warned grabbing her hands and placing them on counter.

"Aarso." Rumi whispered as Wonwoo was too close for her to speak in normal voice. Their eyes met. What is this? Rumi thought and averted her eyes. Wonwoo cleared his throat.

"Umm...your wound looks serious, let's just go to hospital." Wonwoo looking the blood-soaked bandage.

"Aniyo. It's fine." Rumi quickly denied. "There are no stitches, just a scratch." Rumi informed. "I think Jangmi-sii scratched it little more." She continued again trying to look back at it but Wonwoo stopped her from doing so.

"Okay, let me remove the bandage." Wonwoo said with defeat. He hesitantly moved his hands to bandage, gauging Rumi's reaction he pulled off the bandage. Placing the soiled bandage, he looked for something in the opened first aid box.

"Here." Rumi said handing him a gauze pad. Wonwoo nodded taking it from her hands and started cleaning the wound. As she had said, the wound wasn't deep and it had stopped bleeding. Still thinking about it, she was working with this is really...

"Does it not hurt?" Wonwoo asked as he finished cleaning and applying antiseptic on it.

"I don't know, my body's gone numb from the soju I had earlier." Rumi chuckled shaking her head. Wonwoo gave her an eye. "Mianhae."

"Don't you know, one shouldn't drink when injured? How can you be so careless?" Wonwoo scolded as picked up a new bandage. "What if your wound gets infected?" Rumi chuckled at that.

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