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"Yeogi." Wonwoo looked up to see Rumi holding an ice-cream cone for him. Wonwoo smiled taking it while thanking her. Rumi smiled back and sat at the other end of the bench. When stepping out of the apartment building Wonwoo had offered to come along with her to convenience store but Rumi had refused and had left him on a bench in nearby park. "Hehe...eating ice-cream when weather is getting cold has a different fun to it, isn't it?" Rumi asked licking away her ice-cream happily.

"De." Wonwoo nodded licking his own. "Hm what about hyung's?" He asked noticing there was none other than the ones they were eating.

"I'll buy it later or else it'll melt." Rumi grinned showing her teeth. Wonwoo chuckled looking away. "Waeyo?" Rumi asked when Wonwoo leaned in wiped off the ice-cream she had gotten on her cheek.

"Rumi-ssi is such a messy eater." Wonwoo said leaning back. "Ah." He had once again immobilized her. "I didn't mean to-I mean I did want to but I shouldn't have?" He found himself losing his sense of logic. "Mianhaeyo." He apologised bowing his head.

"A-aniyo." Rumi finally stuttered out. "I understand Wonwoo-ssi wanted to help." Rumi looked away going back to her ice-cream. There was complete silence apart the rustling of leaves as the wind blew. Both of them would peek at each other every now and then but wouldn't speak up.

"Sorry about-"

"I'm sorry about-" Both of them burst out laughing. "Rumi-ssi can go first." Wonwoo smiled politely asking her to go first.

"Umm, I'm just sorry about today. Oppa was being too much, sometimes he doesn't know when to stop." Rumi apologised looking at her feet. It must've been uncomfortable for Wonwoo-ssi with oppa saying those things to him. She had already made it awkward with her not so threatening confession and now she was doing these things. I shouldn't have bought those slippers! "Wonwoo-ssi, I am really sorry for making things awkward and uncomfortable!" Rumi suddenly stood up and bowed ninety degrees.

Wonwoo flinched back and looked around. "Aniyo. It's okay I wasn't." Wonwoo said shifting back and patting the bench. "Rumi-ssi doesn't have to apologize. Please."

"I have to. That day I was out of my mind. I confessed ani-It was like I was threatening you. I didn't mean to it's just I tend to get little restless when things don't go my way and act out! I am really, really sorry for doing such uncomfortable things!"

"Rumi-ssi you didn't. But please stopping bowing towards me. Now it is really making me feel uncomfortable." Wonwoo begged looking around. Rumi peeked up and realized they were in public place. "Ah." She straightened up and backed away. "I'm sorry-" "Please stop apologizing too." Rumi clammed her mouth shut. "Please, anjusaeyo." Wonwoo said patting the bench again. Rumi nodded and did as instructed. "I shouldn't have let you if you were going to be like this." Wonwoo muttered. "Eh?" Rumi snapped her head in attention and then covered her mouth. Wonwoo signed his shoulders dropping.

"Actually, I wanted to apologize first. For yesterday, getting drunk and doing those things. I don't know what took over me. I normally don't do things like this. Jeongmal mianhamnida (Really sorry) for causing trouble."

"Animnida. It is okay, I understand. It's because I'm cursed, not your or Chan's fault. Seungkwan-ssi seemed have recorded it I failed to stop him. I'm pretty you both got teased for it. I'm sorry." Rumi apologised bowing again.

"You are doing it again. Apologizing when it is not your fault. Rumi-ssi that day too, it was my fault for overstepping the boundaries. I shouldn't have said those things nor should I have gotten upset with you. I don't know what I was thinking, getting all upset because Rumi-ssi was avoiding me. Of course, it was fine if Rumi-ssi doesn't want to talk with me but I don't know why I got so upset maybe I got little jealous because of Soonyoungie that I burst out like that. I even drove Rumi-ssi into the corner that Rumi-ssi had to confessed like that." Rumi choked and started coughing loudly at that. "Rumi-ssi, are you okay?" Wonwoo worriedly leaned towards her.

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