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Hyun glanced at Rumi who smiling down at her phone screen. "Did you find anything?" He asked turning his attention back to road. Rumi hummed before locking her phone and looking up. "Nothing yet. Do you really think we'll be able to at this point?" Hyun sighed agreeing. It was like looking for needle in haystack. "If only we could get access to that software." Hyun said turning towards Rumi who was once again busy smiling at her phone screen. "Are you even here?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Eo? What?" She asked not even bothering to look up. The trouble in paradise didn't last for long, not even for an hour. Wonwoo had went looking her in office during lunch, not even a word just looking at him shyly waiting for her had melted away all her tantrums and complains. She was too smitten, one look from him and she would lay down her world for him. The couple didn't get to spent much time together but they made most of it when they did. Though Wonwoo had busy schedule he still managed to visit Rumi and Youngjae for dinner; sometimes he would get so tired that he would end spending the night there. Rumi smiled to herself thinking about waking to Wonwoo cuddling in between her arms. Ahh I miss him already! She mentally cried.

"I asked are you even listening to me?" Hyun repeated his words this time raising his voice. "Yeah, yeah I am listening." Rumi replied not able to budge that smile off her face. "Huh, your mind is always somewhere or should I say on someone?" Hyun commented glancing at her. "I've been noticing things lately?" Rumi furrowed her eyebrows. "Things?" She raised her eyebrow at him. "Your closeness with those bo-" "Oh I'm not having this conversation with you again. How many times has this been? I told you-"

"What is going on between you and Wonwoo-ssi?" Rumi paused. She leaned back in her seat and looked away. "What about me and him?" Hyun snorted. "You don't think I have noticed those secret meet ups? Your sudden disappearance in evenings?" Rumi rolled her eyes not bothering to deny or confirm anything. "Rumi do you even know what you are getting yourself into? Have you really thought about this? The consequences of your decision? Do you know how reckless this is? Have you told him about everything? Who are you, what are you doing in this company, what exactly you do for living? Have you?" Rumi didn't answer him, she just kept staring ahead. Hyun sighed. "You could get in trouble with agency if they even get a sniff of this."

"Haven't I already?" Rumi let out a bitter chuckle. "Even if I don't do anything, I will always end up getting blamed. So, I don't really fucking care about anything they do anymore." Hyun shook his head. "You and I both know that you do. I don't understand why are you being reckless when you know how this is going to end up?" Hyun parked the car pulling the brakes. He turned towards her. She was already removing her seatbelt. "Rumi, dating a celebrity, that too your own client is-" Rumi slammed the door shut cutting him off.

"Me dating a celebrity or anyone is none of agency's or your business. This is my own personal matter so I will really appreciate if you stop putting your nose in my life." Her words were polite but the look on her face was clearly warning him off. Hyun sighed. "But Rumi listen to me o-"

"Rumi-ssi!" A cheery voice made them snap their head towards it. It was Wonwoo on back porch of the house waving his hand at Rumi. Hyun glanced back to Rumi whose face lit up with smile, she waved back as excitedly as he had. She then turned towards Hyun her smile disappearing. "I hope you heard me clearly." She said and walked away not giving him a second glance.

Hyun opened his mouth to call out her name but his voice died down in his throat as he watched the two lovers run towards each other and meet in middle. Hyun watched them lovingly smile at each other as Rumi leaned up on her toes and fixed Wonwoo's dishevelled hair. She said something making him laugh and take her hand in his. "They are not even trying to hide it." Hyun said to himself. Wonwoo leaned down whispered something in Rumi's ear making her blush. Hyun's hand clenched the stirring wheel, "I've never seen her..." He trailed off watching the couple. "Why him? She could date anyone but why him? Doesn't she know how troublesome it will be?" He asked himself and then sighed at his own thoughts. "Stop it Hyun-ah. Stop pretending you are worried about her when you are just jealous. Accept it, you wish it was you by her side." Hyun muttered to himself. "She looks happy." He said looking at her beaming smile, his own lips formed a smile. "That's enough, isn't it?" He smiled.

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