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"Careful." Wonwoo said as he guided Rumi to the apartment door. "I should've taken you to the hospital." He muttered. "Aniyo!" Rumi was immediate to protest. "I don't want to go there. They prick your skin unnecessarily and give you dozens of pills to take!" Rumi whined. "Shh..arasoyo. We are home now." Wonwoo sighed wondering where did she get that energy to complained. He held her up with arm while other arm when to ring the bell.

"Don't, oppa is not home." Rumi said pressing in the passcode. "He's on business trip." Rumi answered his unasked question. Wonwoo nodded and guided Rumi inside the apartment, he helped her with house slippers as she dragged herself to dining table. "What is wrong with me? I don't get this sick." She muttered. Wonwoo poured her a glass of water while Rumi tried to remove the jacket. "Won't you be cold?" Wonwoo asked as he moved to help her out.

Rumi shook her head. "It's fine. I just feel stuffy in this." She sighed in relief after the jacket was off. "Thank you." She thanked Wonwoo who handed her a glass of water. "My throat is dry." She muttered downing the whole glass, Rumi tried to clear her throat but ended up going in coughing fit. "Rumi-ssi, careful!" Wonwoo exclaimed patting her back. Her t-shirt felt wet. "Rumi-ssi, you should change your clothes. It is because of these wet clothes." Wonwoo said looking down at her wet jeans. Rumi hummed leaning back in chair. "You won't feel better unless you change into dry clothes." Wonwoo said looking down at her. "Come on change quickly, I'll make you some ginger tea."

Rumi turned to look up at him. "Waeyo?" Wonwoo asked. "I can make that much Rumi-ssi." Wonwoo defended making Rumi chuckle. Wonwoo huffed pouting. "Okay then." Rumi stood up with help from him. "I'll go change while Wonwoo-ssi makes me ginger tea." Rumi said with a teasing smile making Wonwoo huff and look away. "Ah, right?" Wonwoo looked at her in question. Rumi ruffled his hair and grinned. "You said you would let me." She whispered before walking back to her room. Wonwoo chuckled touching his head. "You are weird Rumi-ssi." He muttered and started preparing for her tea.

Wonwoo knocked on the door twice and walked in. Rumi was sprawled out with her leg hanging off the bed, her discarded clothes forming a mound by the foot of bed. Wonwoo placed the tray on the bedside table and picked the discarded clothes before dumping them in the laundry basket. Rumi got up groggily upon seeing Wonwoo tidying her room. "Wonwoo-ssi, I will do it, just give me few minutes." Rumi said her voice raspy from sore throat.

"You don't have to do anything." Wonwoo said as he lifted her legs and placed them on bed. "Just stay here and rest." He covered her with a blanket. He dragged the stool from dressing table and sat beside the bed. "Here." He handed her the mug of the ginger tea to her. Rumi shyly smiled and took the mug from his hands. Rumi slightly sipped on the tea. Wonwoo was cautiously watching her. "Is it good?" He asked waiting for her reaction. Rumi smiled and nodded her head making him sigh in relief. She then noticed the bowl of porridge, Wonwoo looked at it, "Ah, it's instant one. I found one in the kitchen." He explained making Rumi smile. "Waeyo? Are you laughing at me again?" He asked. Rumi shook her head chuckling. "Aniyo. I was just smiling." Rumi explained. "I just feel happy, being taken care off like this by Wonwoo-ssi. I should keep getting sick often." She joked sipping on the tea.

"You don't need to get sick for that." Wonwoo muttered looking at her. "De?" Rumi looked up in question. "I said you don-" Rumi's phone rang interrupting him. Both of them looked at it. "Let me." Wonwoo said helping her get it from the bedside table. Rumi thanked him and checked the caller id. "Soham?" She looked at the wall clock and picked up the call. "Bol Soham? Kiti vajtat tithe? (Soham? What time is it there?)" Rumi asked. Wonwoo silently took the mug from her hands.

"Two thirty. Oh, right sorry. Mi uthavla ka tula? (Did I wake you up?)" He asked from other side.

"Nahi, but tu ka ajun jaga ahes? (No, but why are you still awake?)" Rumi asked her eyebrows furrowed. Wonwoo looked at her wondering what made her knit her eyebrows like that. She was speaking in her mother language again. Wonwoo smiled, he didn't understand a word but it sounded good. Hearing her speak. "Night shift? Accha." She nodded her head glancing at Wonwoo, a smiled formed on her lips as their eyes met. "Kay zala ahe ka? (Something happened?)"

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