Part six

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It was now the Silverstone Grand Prix and a good week after Elle's little run in with Max, she was fuming to say the least. Why would he do that? What was he trying to say? Elle wanted ask Max all of these questions but didn't at the same time.

While Elle was contemplating life, Caitlin was already at Silverstone because she was watching Ollie race in his home GP where he got a podium. Elle was also already at silverstone due to the fact that Arthur was also racing there that day, Arthur made Elle proud and finished the race in first.

Later on in the morning everyone was starting to arrive for example the whole England football team, Gareth Southgate and son the Tottenham star.

Caitlin and Macey were walking down the pit lane.
"Caitlin" Macey stopped walking and tugged on Caitlin's arm.
"Yes Macey" Caitlin looked at Macey with a confused look.
"Look up now" Macey at this point had started to tear up.
Caitlin looked up and saw to see Harry Kane, Son Heung-min, Declan Rice, Mason Mount and Jadon Sancho.
The two girls idolises these men, Macey imidiatly bursts into tears and Caitlin started to hyperventilate.
The 5 footballers had noticed Caitlin and Macey and went over to check if they were ok.
"Erm hey are you two ok?" Harry Kane exclaimed.
"Harry, do you think there ok, I mean look at them" Son said.
"Oh yeah there ok, your just there idols" a voice bellowed from the other side of the pit lane.
Macey turned around still sobbing.
"CARLOS" the two shouted and ran over to the Spaniard and gave him the biggest hug.
"Hey you two" Carlos laughed as he hugged the two Brits back.
Carlos had known Caitlin and Macey since the girls were very young, Carlos was like a brother to Caitlin and Macey.
All of a sudden Elle appeared.
"CAITLIN, MACEY why are you two upset?" Elle curiously said, without saying anything Carlos looked at Elle then at the 5 men who seemed very confused.
"Ahhhh hello there my names Elle and that is Macey and Caitlin your there idols and it was there dream to meet you all" Elle confidently said.
"Ah it makes sense now" Jadon looked relieved.
"Well would you like a photo with us so you don't forget you met us" Declan asked.
Carlos was stood in the middle of Caitlin and Macey with his arms over their shoulders.

"They would love a picture" Elle butted in.
After the picture was taken the footballers said there goodbyes and walked of disappearing into the crowd in seconds, Elle and Carlos looked at the two Brits, who were recovering from meeting there idols, Carlos and Elle laughed and both walked of leaving Macey and Caitlin alone in the pit lane together.
As Macey and Caitlin started to walk off they saw toto and Gareth in the Mercedes garage and decided to go see what was happening.

It was quite in the Mercedes garage until a loud laugh was heard throughout. While Toto was talking to the girls he turned to see who it was, it was Gareth Southgate, Toto very much liked Gareth. As toto was about to turn back around he caught Gareth's attention and so gave him a shy wave, toto was delighted when Gareth waved back, however there little interaction was soon cut short by Declan rice who came to inform Gareth of an argument that had happened.
( @gazzalad101 )

"What's wrong Dec" Gareth seemed frustrated.
"It's Jack and Phil, they are arguing again outside the red bull garage" Declan noticed how Gareth was frustrated so carefully told him this.
Jack and Phil often argued, mostly about Phil's haircut. Jack always took the mick out of Phil for his haircut which Phil called 'streamline'.
When Gareth reached the two it was time to get off the pit lane so the race could start.
( @ellamxyn )

Elle and the others said good luck to Carlos who was on pole and Charles who was in third, this whole time Max was staring at Elle, all Elle could do was stare back but maxs stare was sweet where as Elle's stare was full of hatred and anger.

The race had started.

"THAT IS ZHOU IN A HUGE CRASH" the commentator screamed as Zhou flipped over and went flying into the safety barrier.

It went silent.
Everyone was worried about Zhou.
Elle was also very, very worried about Alex who had been involved in the crash.

"HES OUT HES OK" Zhou was now out of his car and soon after the all the affected cars were removed from the track the race restarted.
Carlos was doing very well and was still in first, Charles however had lost his place and was now in fourth. Elle was still very happy as Max was seventh.
"OH MY GOD CARLOS WON" everyone screamed as he got the checkered flags. This was special as it was his first race win in formula one, everyone ran over and hugged the Spaniard.

The ceremony was over and everyone was walking off. Elle was the first one back in her car and started to drive off it was warm out so she had her window open. As she drove off Max caught her attention, he was staring again so Elle snarled back.
"No need to snarl princess" Max sweetly said
"Don't call me princess" Elle hated the nickname but she knew he would not stop calling her that now.
"Who is gonna stop me?" Max sarcastically remarked, Elle rolled her eyes and place her Gucci sunglasses onto her face, as Elle drove off her wheels sprayed Max with dust and stones.
"Now now princess just cause you have a nice car doesn't mean you can do that" Max shouted, Elle ignored him and drove off.

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