Part eleven

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Hungarian Grand Prix

Elle was not sad anymore, she was angry but not just a little bit angry she was extremely angry about the way had treated her at the French Grand Prix. Arthur being Elle's twin he knew Elle was angry so asked her what was up, so Elle told him, he then told their older brother Charles. They both were extremely angry as well.

Elle had told Charles and Arthur to forget about what happened with her and Max and to focus of the Hungarian Grand Prix this weekend.

Sunday 31st July— race day

It was Russel on pole followed by Carlos then Charles in third. Ella was happy with these qualifying results as max had qualified in tenth position.

Max's POV

Max had spent the past day or so in his hotel room absolutely mortified about what he said to Elle, he didn't leave his hotel room at all, he only came out of the hotel room to practice, qualify and race. Everyone stayed out of his way as they knew something was wrong but no one asked him what it was.

Max had no been in his car for a while and could finally see everyone else get in there cars ready for the race start, as soon as he thought the coast was clear Max started to shout at himself, all of his pent up anger was going into this race. It was either going to end very badly or very well.

Elle's POV

In the end, it wasn't the best race results and worst of all Max had won, Elle didn't mind Lewis and George on the podium as well but she did mind Max being up there. Elle had decided to not go to the podium celebration but decided to sit with her brothers and their girlfriends, Carla and Charlotte.

It was finally the end of the day. Charles and Charlotte were fast walkers so left Elle Arthur and Carla back at the garage.

"Alors oui, qu'en penses-tu Elle... Elle... où es-tu allée ?" "So yeah what do you think Elle.....Elle.....where have you gone?" Arthur was in the middle of speaking to Elle when he noticed she wasn't next to him anymore.

On the way out Elle could hear someone faintly shout her name, she stopped and turned around to see who it was.

"Désolé Arthur, quelqu'un crie mon nom" "Sorry Arthur someone's shouting my name" Elle was on her tiptoes trying to see who was shouting her name, at last she could she who it was although she wasn't to pleased with who it was. When she realised who it was she turned and walked back towards Arthur and Carla.

"Elle wait I need to speak to you" a strong Dutch accent bellowed out from the crowd.

"What Max what do you want?" Arthur heard the name and immediately turned and stormed over to Max and Elle.

"What do you think your doing talking to my sister?" Arthur was annoyed.
"I'm sorry what" Max seemed confused.
"Arthur leave it" Elle tried to push Arthur away but he wasn't taking no for an answer.
"Who do you think you are?" Arthur yelled at Max.
"Max Verstappen" Max replied.
"Ooooo I'm sorry all bow down to king Max Verstappen who treats everyone LIKE A PEICE OF DIRT ON THE BOTTOM OF HIS SHOE" Arthur yelled at the clearly offended Dutch man.
"ARTHUR" Carla slapped Arthur's arm and pulled him away. As they walked away Arthur's eyes never left Max's.
"Your twin is a bit overkill don't you think?" Max tried to joke with Elle.
"You know what Max you are the most selfish, self-centred, idiotic person I have ever met, I was nice to you then a week later you wer horrible to me, now your trying to be nice to me again. It's not happening Max, it was not fair how you treated me."

Back at the hotel Elle was sat in her room when there was a knock at the door, when she finally opened the door there was no one there but a bouquet of flowers with a card on top, Elle picked up the card and read the card.

Elle I'm very very sorry about the way I treated you I really didn't mean to I hope you can somehow forgive me.
Love from Max

As soon as Elle read the last word she picked up the flowers and placed them the table them slammed the door. Elle stared at the flowers for a minute or two before throwing them in the bin. She didn't want any pitty flowers of him. He meant nothing to her. Elle hated Max.

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