Part thirteen

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Summer break
South Africa part 2

Caitlin and Macey had devised a plan to get Elle talking to Max but first they needed to know what went on between them. So they called him.

"Hi who is this" Max questioned down the phone.
"Oh hello it's Macey and Caitlin, remember we're Elle's friends" Caitlin said confidently.
"Oh yes I remember you two, what's wrong" max seemed happy.
"We were just calling to see what happened between you and Elle" Macey said slightly nervous.
With that being said Max told Caitlin and Macey what happened and then proceeded to listen to Caitlin and Macey's plan on how to make it up to Elle.
The plan consisted of frequently bumping into Elle and being nice and apologising over the next few race weeks, Macey and Caitlin thought this was a great idea and so did Max which was a surprise to Macey and Caitlin. As soon as they hung up Elle bursted through the door.
"You two have been quiet what are you up to" Elle knew that when Macey and Caitlin were quiet they were planning something.
"Nothing Elle, why do you think somethings up?" Caitlin said while Macey looked away.
"Macey look at me in the eyes and say you did nothing wrong" Elle said.
"She's tired night Macey" Caitlin said in a rush as she pushed Macey down and threw the quilt over her head. Caitlin did this as Macey is the worst lier on the planet when ever she told a lie she would either smile or go high pitched and Caitlin wasn't taken any risks.

A week later

Everyone had an amazing time in South Africa but it was time to go home, for Caitlin home would be her new room in Macey's apartment in Monaco until Christmas. She could not wait to see it.

The plane landed and everyone went there separate ways as everyone needed to be in different places for the few days left of the summer break. Ollie, Arthur, Charles and Paul all went to their homes in Monaco to get some simulator time in while Carla and Charlotte had to go to an event. Elle had to go home to see her other older brother and her parents as she hadn't seen them in ages, leaving Macey and Caitlin to go to Macey's apartment together.

When they arrived Caitlin was amazed.

"Macey this is beautiful thank you so much" Caitlin was elated

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"Macey this is beautiful thank you so much" Caitlin was elated.
Macey just smiled.
"How are my second favourite cat and dog doing?" Caitlin said as she ran over to them both.
"They are doing great I'll just let Millie know that she can go home now" Macey said as she wandered of down the hall, Millie was the dog and cat sitting Macey hired while she was away, this was a one of thing as Macey took her dog and cat everywhere with her.
Macey's cat was called mr meowgi and Maceys dog was called beau.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door which sent beau into a barking frenzy.
Macey opened the door to reveal Lewis Hamilton his dog roscoe and a puppy British bulldog in his arms.
"Hey Lewis, hey roscoe" Macey Kent down and ribbed roscoe on his head "come in guys" Macey welcomed them in Caitlin could not believe it.
"So Macey i reached this little pup but can't look after her so I was wondering if you'd adopt her with Caitlin" Lewis politely asked.
"Oh wow Lewis I would love to adopt her" Macey said taking the puppy out of Lewis' arms.
"Right so here's the paper work j had and now you have it, I'd love to stay but me and roscoe have to go on a run so I'll see you soon" Lewis said while roscoe tugged on his pants.
"Alright Lewis, see you soon roscoe" Macey said as she waved and closed the door behind the two of them.
"Macey how do you know Lewis Hamilton" Caitlin was still so surprised.
"Oh I look after roscoe most race weekends I'm free and if he brings him to the track and I'm there I look after him there too" Macey replied so casually. "So what should we name her?" Macey said.
"Hmmmm" "I know why don't we name her rose so it can be rose and roscoe" Caitlin replied.
"Perfect" "awww rose suits her, I hope mr meowgi and beau aren't jealous" Macey laughed as she handed the puppy to Caitlin as she picked up beau.

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