chapter 2

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In the months following their third birthday Raven spent all her free time which included holidays and weekends at the riding school, she was unaware and unprepared for how Erina's incredible palate would cause the entire family to abandon her,
the way things started to change for Raven were small,
and being so busy with attending both riding school and totsuki she really didn't have time to noticed.
she had been attending the riding school for nearly twelve months and already was receiving high praise from the teachers for her natural talent and ability to learn techniques,
at first Raven was rewarded for her hard work with big loving hugs and amazing presents from her mom and dad,
but soon and slowly they starting partition off Raven's care to the household staff and see her accomplishment which won through very hard work as nothing more than a hobby.
where as Erina accomplishments were already seeing her become famous throughout culinary world.
but because Raven as was kind, sweet and caring young girl especially towards the servants and staff they were more than happy to care and reward her for working so hard.
but by the time their 4th birthday of Raven and Erina came around Mana's health both physically and mentally began to deteriorate as she started to succumb to the despair of the god tongue.
her grandfather was too busy with finding a solution to end Mana and Erina's suffering that came with the god tongue.
And Erina now confirmed to be the a wielder of the god tongue was now under strict "training" by Azami to perfect her palate.
Because all her family were very busy all the time she began to keep her achievements and her minor injuries to herself and household staff.
this went on for another year right up until Raven and Erina's fifth birthday and on their birthday Raven celebrated it with household staff and and friends she made at the riding school,
but as for family they were nowhere to be seen Mana was leaving to focus on her health she would take leave a month before the fifth birthday.
she promised Raven and Erina that they would meet again but even she was leaving she loved Raven and had been kinder to her than Erina. she didn't want to seem cruel to Erina but she didn't want to watch sweet little daughter suffer same way they she had.
this was proven by keeping her first promise to Raven by buying her a horse of her very own.
but would be on that birthday both her and Erina lost their mother and Raven received her first serious injury.
the horse her mother bought for her was a beautiful black Arabian colt which reminded Raven of Jet the foal from hers and Erina's third birthday
so instantly she loved him but the colt who she named Hurricane was excited and jumpy being in new home was more legs and hooves then brains and stomping on Ravens right foot breaking both the main foot and all toes.
the household staff who all very fast and profession wasted no time in get Raven to hospital.
so they got her into one of the families limousines and as she was on her to hospital Raven personal maid Emma when inform the family what had happened.
But behind the door of Azami's training room
Azami had watched both one most talented young chefs totsuki ever seen be lost to storm that plagued all within the culinary world and walk away leaving him alone,
and now his beloved wife wielder of the god tongue itself had also lost to the storm. leaving not just him but their daughter Erina another born with the god tongue, and if he couldn't find way beat the storm, he lose her too.
Azami became obsessed with creating the world where chefs could work in peace as he called it but his in obsession with he's creating his perfect safe world and  his training which had turned to psychological and physical abuse.
turning Erina from happy, playful joyful girl into his puppet to which if she tasted anything that wasn't perfect a failure and disgusting.
once he had got Erina do follow twisted way of thinking he no longer saw Raven as his daughter and stopped speaking to or seeing her all together, he simply walk past her like she never existed.
but as Emma reach the corridor that led to Erina's training room she found block by police, master Senzaemon and Azami having shouting match,
and soon master Senzaemon was ordering Azami to leave as his cruel treatment of Erina, Azami had brought shame to the name Nakiri and was forbidden from seeing either of Erina or Raven,
but before Emma could master Senzaemon he was already inside Erina's room and upon seeing the maid approaching fast but before she could say anything about Raven's injury he order her to inform the rest of staff not to disturb him.
having the door closed on her Emma knew better anger master Senzaemon.
While the Hospital
Raven's foot had undergone treatment and was told that as long she didn't do to much her foot would good by the time totsuki reopened after the summer holidays.
because Emma was legal age and as one of Raven's guardians she was able to sign the form that would discharge Raven from the hospital
After returning home Raven's maid Emma had told her what happened between Senzaemon and Azami,
Raven wasn't really surprised about this and while she waiting for her foot to heal she asked the staff to move her stuff into other room closer servants quarters.
this way she could use the servant entrance which was the shortest walk from new room to stables which make things easier for her injured foot.
and more importantly stay out sight and out of the minds of her former family.

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