chapter 24

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after returning home Master Senzaemon felt quite a weight lifted from his shoulders, finally after ten years he had seen his granddaughter. and beautiful just wasn't good enough to describe her beauty. she seemed to have been carved from the purest pearls and her hair even the night sky full of stars couldn't hold a candle to her.
though it saddened him greatly that first time he got to see her was when Raven had been injured, and because of said injury pain and fatigue had lulled her to sleep before they could speak.
and as the night wore on and sleep began to plague him, for the first time Senzaemon long life nervousness began to creep into his heart, because not only would he see Raven again but he would finally get to know her again.

Early the next morning
as ever Ryo woke up very early in fact earlier than he normally would. because of the injury, Ryo had to tend to the horses before heading off to the fish market, as he got himself ready being extra careful not to disturb her. as she needed to rest, but as ever removing himself from her and leaving Raven alone was torture for him.
especially now she was hurt, having drunk in as much of her beauty as he could. Ryo slowly and carefully brought himself down to kiss her achingly alluring lips, slowly turning toward him Raven slowly opened her eyes slightly "hey, i'm going go to the horses. then go to the fish market ok?....and i don't want to see you out of this bed until after i get back from the market!".

"muh~but?...No Buts! need to rest, my love". he said sternly but lovingly as he weaved his hand through her hair, "I'll make you some grilled salmon for will? yes salmon is very good for accelerating the healing of broken bones"...ok well~then thank you Ryo, and i promise not to leave the bed...ummm~" upon finishing her sentence Ryo's lips met hers resulting in albeit a careful but passionate kiss.

after finally prying himself from her sleeping form Ryo took one of her tops to let the horses know she was going to be ok, he knew they were properly still restless. it took him around a hour to get everything done and get the horses out to the paddock.
he got Raven's medication ready for when she woke up, Ryo got himself changed. gave her one more kiss before making his way to the fish market.

but noticing there was a lot of very dark rain clouds forming in the sky meant only one thing a torrential downpour was coming soon, so he decided to inform Master Senzaemon to wait outside the servants entrance. so he meet Raven in her kitchen instead of getting rained on.

Down at fish market
Soma learned his lesson about how badly he needed to improve his eye for fish so once again he and Megumi had gone to the market to learn more from the fishmongers. they went from stall to stall asking and taking notes on what to look for. until again Megumi spotted Ryo but this time he was lone, "Oh Soma! look, Ryo. but where's Shadow?...Oh yeah, i don't know. let's go ask" Hey Ryo! Good morning Kurokiba-kun,".

as Ryo scanned the salmon for the best ones after all his beloved Raven was only ever getting the best and freshest ingredients. which thank to his expert eye the finest specimens were found and purchased.

but as he was about to head home he heard someone call his name, turning to see Soma and Megumi waving him down, "Hey Ryo! Good morning Kurokiba-kun" hey," he replied "where your girlfriend Shadow?!...yes i was hoping to get to know her more" she's back home, she was injured during the stagiaire" Megumi was horrified she hated the thought of anyone get hurt "injured?! what happened?"
"she was teamed up with some little shit called Takumi Ishiwatari!"...Oh! yes Megumi knew of him. he was one the first to have his curry dish judged in B block and one of the first to get chewed out for his arrogance. "Oh yeah, he was in B block of the curry contest" well when Shadow was doing a training section with an already nervous young horse, that bastard try showing off with flambé! causing Shadow to be thrown out of the saddle, resulting in two broken ribs!".

"ouch! so that's why he was expelled! he got off lightly he's lucky he was expelled if see him i'll rearrange his face!"...well if you want, why come to the hot springs with us from kyokusei. it might help with Shadows recovery?" asked Megumi...i'll be sure to ask her".

Back at the mansion
as promised Raven was indeed still in bed although very much awake and after asking Ryo very politely if she could get out of bed and do stuff, he agreed only if she would let him help. as Raven was getting a shower, Ryo started work on preparing the salmon of her when there was a knock on the servants entrance door.
Master Senzaemon had arrived, Ryo showed him through to the Raven's kitchen. "thank you, Kurokiba for allowing this. well i don't like nor get how you could forget someone as beautiful as Raven?!"
"yes!, i myself am struggling to understand how this could of happened, but i-i know i am in no right to ask this of you Ryo but i'm in need of your help!" the look of disbelief from Ryo was off the scale! but he decided to hear the old man out. he had invited the old Master so he could be back in Raven's life.

Ryo listened as he continued with preparing Raven's meal until it was all but complete.

"Azami, as been making moves against me and Totsuki. through the elite ten" AZAMI! That! bastard is coming back!" Yes! and i'm sure he going after Erina again, but if he succeeds he will force all to cook his way! the one true cuisine as he puts it. meaning even you will be forced to cook his recipes unable create dishes like you're cartoccio".
"My dishes are for Raven! but i don't understand how i can help you?" like i said he is using the elite ten to weed out any rebels that would stand against him. but i'm sure students like yourself and especially those in Kyokusei, will indeed want to fight to protect what they love".

after a few minutes Ryo excused himself to aid Raven, "we have a guest, my love and your breakfast is ready"....thank you Ryo". Raven followed him into the kitchen where the sight of their visitor caught Raven off guard, "GrandFather?!...wha-?" Senzaemon quickly rose to his feet upon seeing Raven. she was /is such a vision of exquisite beauty and her voice so sweet, kind and portrayed a vast intelligence.

even though he is a very powerful and often feared man, at this moment he could feel himself crumbling as tear began to fill her eyes. he then did something not even Ryo saw coming! "greeting child~i-i sigh". he pulled her into very powerful arms mindful of her injured ribs and held her to his chest placing his hand upon her head and gently stroked her hair. feeling the warmth she once knew from so long ago, Raven broke down crying. but she wasn't the only one Senzaemon let go of his pride.
he had not the right to hold on to it and wept openly as he held the beautiful granddaughter he had neglected for ten years, "i'm so sorry my dearest Raven, can you ever forgive. this...foolish old man?!"

he let her go when Ryo presented her with the grilled salmon he had promised her, understanding his Granddaughter needed the salmon to help with the healing of her injury. as they sat at the table Raven shared the delicious dish with both Ryo and Senzaemon.
"i've missed you and of course, i forgave you along time ago. GrandFather,...but how could you forgive me for neglecting so badly?" i'm not blind GrandFather, not now not then i saw wanted the God Tongue was doing to mother".
"i understand you're worried that it could happen to Erina, not to mention i heard about what Azami had done to her. our father had turned on her, so of course you had to prioritize her health and wellbeing over mine".

"and yet those your file, i could of lost you to death! and if Kurokiba here hadn't reminded me of your existence i would of likely left this world, never knowing about you or how much you've had to suffer alone". my file but when did you?-" again forgive me, but during the stagiaire. i started looking for any sign of you, i was unaware of course you had moved your room.
which i managed to find and it was then i found the file on your desk". AHH fuck Ryo suddenly remembered he had forgotten to put it away before that week started. "erm~it's my fault Master Senzaemon found it Raven"....why did you have it out?"...."i read it everyday as a reminder just how easily you could be taken from me, and to love you for every moment you live. Raven"

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