chapter 33

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But Ryo's trance like dream was very different from Master Senzaemon's. Because Ryo's was in love with Raven and she was in love with him.

The porridge dessert was so delightfully sweet and light with the sweet lemon adding such a beautiful feeling of freshness and freedom. Although not a big talker at best of times. Ryo this time was absolutely speechless.

And in his dream. Ryo was bathed in golden light but instead of just floating up on his own Ryo's eyes were open the entire time and he was accompanied by his beloved as she guided him up into stratosphere. Unlike many in Totsuki Ryo wasn't afraid of the storm or the wasteland for him these were an interesting challenge.

But what Raven was showing him wasn't just the culinary world but an entire universe. He was in awe looking around he could see into eternity. "Do you like it. Ryo?" He turned to face Raven and WOW!...What a sight she was her body made of solid and glowing gold. Her long silken hair was one with universe. But in his dream her beautiful gemstone eyes weren't just glistening with stars. There was whole galaxies in another universe was held deep within her gaze. He could lost for all eternity and never want to be found.

"Yes! So very much. But how is this possible?".

"This is my world, My beloved Ryo. The culinary world is not just a storm in wasteland. It's a whole universe full of amazing possibilities. And as a God Tongue I want to share this with you my love.

Ryo was lost for words and had to take a minute to process what he just heard her say. "Wait! God Tongue?! You're a God Tongue!?!". Raven simply nodded and smiled. "Yes Ryo, I am and it's because of this I was able to defeat Rindo so many times. Mine came in shortly after Erina was trust unwilling into the lime light and forced to follow false rules. "And you want to share with me. But how can you do that?"

And just like her Grand Father as Ryo felt the fizz of the candy, tasted the sweetness and freshness of the honey and lemon plus softness of pudding. Begin to trickle down his throat. But he had tears streaming down his face.

Raven floated towards Ryo and wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace. but this instead of simply nuzzling him. Raven kissed where his heart was beating and then pulled him into a passionate kiss. But just as Ryo began to melt into it her eyes and lips began to glow with a brilliant white sparkling light. Raven released the beam for light and star down into Ryo's throat.

And as it merged it his heart Ryo was so caught up in her kiss. He failed to notice his dragon form had been activated. And that through Raven kiss and God Tongue he was transforming into a eastern dragon. One that merged with Raven's universe just as much as she did.

As they finally broke part allowing their lungs to access air again

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As they finally broke part allowing their lungs to access air again. Ryo saw his new form. He found he move so freely through out this universe Raven had gifted him. "come fly with me. let's take a closer look at these stars and planets, Tell me what to you see?".

Raven's golden form sat upon his head as he took them closer. Only to see that these galaxies of stars and planets were actually ingredients. These galaxies were new dishes just waiting to be put together by a chef. "Do you understand why I'm Sharing this with you? A chef is a creator. There are no rules and there is no such thing as true failure dishes.

"I'm not a chef but you my beloved Ryo you are a chef so I give you this universe so you create all the amazing dishes you could possibly think of, And when you find them will you share them with me?"
Ryo pulled Raven into deep and loving embrace burying head into the crook of her swan neck as he felt tears falling. "Of cause I will!, my love". Finally his dream came to an end but he remained in his slumped position for he was still reeling from both being blessed and gifted by his very own goddess.

Back In Reality.
As the two began regain their senses. Mr Kibishi was really struggling to hold back his smirk. "So, Have you finally figured it out yet. Just how talented dear Raven is, Senzaemon?" He said with a very satisfied smile seeing The Demon of the Kitchen. brought down to his knees.

"Yes! I do, Raven you are a God Tongue. Aren't you?" While Raven was still holding Ryo even though he had recovered from his dream. The fact that she was actually holding him caused Ryo to simply melt into her warm embrace. "Yes, Grand Father. I am a God Tongue, My came through just after Erina's".

"So while we the rest of your own family focus all the lime light and attention onto Erina, You. Raven was left in the shadows and neglected, And yet I have tasted Erina's and Mana's cooking before but their dishes pale in comparison?". His mind swimming with questions, Sadness and regret as mind wandered back the medical file and all Raven's injuries.

And just how blind he had truly been.

Mr Kibishi Finally got to express his knowledge on what he also learned about Raven's palate. "Indeed not only is she a God Tongue, But unlike Erina or her mother Mana. Raven is the truest sense off that title".

This certainly peaked both Ryo's and Senzaemon's attention. "What do you mean by that Mr Kibishi?".

"Because Raven is not a chef she is not limited by false culinary rules nor does she have to fear low quality food or expulsion for breaking said rules. Raven is allowed to cook what she wants, How she wants, With whatever ingredients she wants. Whether they high end top quality or basic everyday quality like what regular house buy and use. In other words Raven is free and that's why her cooking is much more powerful".

Raven only nodded at this. "And plus I'm outside of the culinary world where gods are supposed to be. If the real Lord God was to show itself the world be plunge into darken chaos and God would end up hating the world it loves. Erina and Mother are miserable is because their inside the culinary world and worse at the top. So all other chefs just see God Tongues. Beings that must be buttered up while kept high on pedestals bound in chains and alone. The other chefs fail to see Erina or Mother as lonely human beings that love and care".

Suddenly the reason Mana and Erina suffered was not because they are God Tongues. But because he kept them within the realms for the culinary world. Where they are treated like actual gods and kept isolated(a Gilded cage). Instead of keeping them safe he just enabled and prolonged their suffering by limiting there access to the normal everyday.

And he dared to call himself a wise man?...

Back At The Mansion.
It was around 10;30 be the time Ryo and Raven got back. Fortunately for him Raven had requested that while they at library Emma and Anna would take care of the horses. So she wouldn't have to do it when she got back.

Raven breathed a sigh of relief as the weight of her secret had been lessened a little. And more importantly she had Ryo back. Which made evident when power loving arms snakes their way around waist and she pulled into his chest leaning her head back as she felt the rhythm of his heart.

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