chapter 13

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A week later

Ryo was amazed as he watched Miss Shadow riding her horse around the arena, it was like she was one with the powerful animal. after five rounds of flawless riding Raven was once again named the winner receiving another massive trophy, she had to admit. having someone congratulate her did feel weird, but very welcome.

even if it came in the form of Ryo's powerful arms wrapping around her and having "well done." whispered in her ear. yeah even though he did love Miss Shadow, Ryo was always the quiet type only speaking when he really had to.

when they finally got home, Raven had to care for the horses so she asked Ryo if he could put the trophy away.

to which he agreed cause with Miss Shadow tending to the horses he could have a look at the medical file he saw.

even though Ryo knew he shouldn't, the curiosity was killing him and he couldn't have a clouded mind with the preliminaries coming up.

Down in the stables

by the time Raven was done tending to the horses getting them in and brushed, rugged, fed and watered, the sky was started to lose it's orange glow.

she made her way to the giant tree as her mind wandered back to Ryo, and the file she knew he was going find. that file which contained the x-rays and information of all her injuries as well as the dispatch forms signed by Emma, and her real name.

it just reminded her of how insignificant she, her suffering and accomplishments were to her family, but as she sat under the tree. looking up to the stars, the realisation that they didn't have the time to know or care about her.

caused tears to roll down her face.

Back at the mansion

Ryo opened all the wall cabinets to find a space for the latest trophy, when in the last one he found the medical file.

which contained many x-rays of severe injuries, but the name on the file and x-rays read Raven? but taking another look at the trophies he realised that they were all engraved with the same name.

"so her real name is Raven...and the x-rays were all hers?" but his thoughts were soon interrupted by Emma,"oh!?...Master Ryo where did you find that?" she said pointing to the file. "i found it in the cabinet, Miss Shadow asked me to put the trophy away while she took care of the horses."

Emma knew if Lady Raven allowed him to put the trophy away she properly knew Ryo was going find it, "can you tell me about all these?..Emma?" she sadly and simply nodded in agreement. " you want to know about?"

after about ten minutes she finally finished listing off all the injuries and how severe they were, Ryo was speechless even though horse riding had nearly killed her. the fact that she kept going and became a champion! just proved how passionate and talented Sha/Raven was.

but he soon reached the dispatch forms as he read them one after another something wasn't right, " this your signature?...'sigh' yes it is." but...why?.i mean..."

"because...the family don't know about any of them." they don't know that Miss Raven could of DIED!?!" Ryo was furious, but his fury was soon replaced with heart ache as Emma explained what happened to Raven concerning the injuries. but left out that she is Erina's twin sister.

this was disgusting, the fact that Lady Raven could of been dead at ten years old. and likely would of been buried alone. to think he never would have seen her, gotten to know her...or fall in love with her! god he felt so sick.

he soon realised it had been longer than 30 minutes, " you know where Lady Raven could be? she said, she was going to the stables?"...well she properly knows you've looked at her file...and if she's not back..."

she walked over to the window thankfully the moon was rising revealing the silhouette of the giant tree and pointed towards it, "do you see the giant tree in the bottom paddock?"...yes. "that's where she's be." thank you...Emma."

back at the tree

it took Ryo at least ten minutes to reach the bottom paddock and even though Emma had hold him about the injuries, there were clearly bits of information she purposely left out.

sat there under the enormous tree was Lady Raven, he could see she had fallen asleep and worse he also see the tears. he gently wiped them from her beautiful face causing her to stir, "hey...i'm sure know already know about the file...right?"...yeah i know..." but why does have the name Raven. on it?"

"because my real Raven Nakiri."...Nakiri?!.." Erina is my twin sister." Ryo was shocked. but then why weren't any Nakiri signatures on the dispatch forms? and now thinking back to the show jumping not one of the family was there.

"i don't understand...if your Erina's sister why do you hide yourself way?"

"because Erina is simply more important than me. my foot was broke on what was supposed to be our fifth birthday, the same day Azami was outed for abusing Erina."

Oh Ryo was all to familiar with that bastard!

"as i was taken to hospital, Emma tried to tell my grandfather and father what had happened. but all she got was Senzaemon telling her, he didn't have time for me as he had to help Erina...and as for Azami he had turned his back on me ages ago."

Raven went to explain that it was when she broke her neck, did she realised and accepted they had forgotten she existed. and that she could of died but they would of been too busy to know.

and she explained the reason why she chosen Shadow as her alternative persona, explaining how being forgotten made her feel like a shadow. just someone that blending into the background.

"'s fine really. i mean...i'm not angry or hateful towards them, i know they just have more important things to worry about. and as for birthdays and Christmas"...she suddenly gasped ...UMM!

Raven was stopped in her tracks, when out of nowhere Ryo had pulled her to him and pressed his lips against hers and held her in a very passion kiss!


Ryo had heard enough, he had to stop her, he had to let her know he loved her. so he wrapped Raven in his arms around pulled her to him. and kissed her.

he couldn't believe this. not only had Lady Raven almost been killed, but her own family had forgotten she even existed! and worse she had accepted this and had forgiven them!

letting Erina have all the limelight just because she's a god tongue.

and thinking back to the pool, he and Raven were standing in clear view of Miss Erina but she didn't even acknowledge her. and as for Alice...yes just Alice he lost so much respect of her. all the times he watch her write and send letters to Erina, she never once did she send one to Lady Raven!

finally he pulled away so she could breathe, but still he held her and whispered. "you...are not forgotten anymore. Raven, you don't have to be alone.

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