chapter 25

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Raven could feel her cheeks growing red and slightly taken back she wasn't used to this much love." i believe it's time i begin to thank you Ryo Kurokiba for reuniting me with Raven, and i'm sorry to dampen the moment but i need to warn you Raven. Azami has been making moves to take over Totsuki and out me as director!" he'll be going after Erina!" indeed, that is why i would like to enlist Ryo's help in fighting the members of the ten and drive Azami out"
"but Sir, my cooking is nowhere here the skills of the ten?!...That is where you are wrong Kurokiba! i may not know of where or whose lineage you come from but, You are the only student in all of Totsuki to have created their own endowment".
"Shedding of Tears!"
"the disrobing is one thing, getting a man to disrobe is easy in comparison to get a man to openly shed any kind of tears especially in front of many judgemental eyes, it is almost impossible".

"and yet the love and devotion you displayed in that cartoccio to my dearest Raven, moved me and the other judges to tears. and we were not ashamed in doing so...such skill and talent if trained properly could see you become one of the finest chefs in the world!"

"not to mention powerful enough to overthrow Azami and his followers, which is why as part of my thanks to you, Kurokiba. before my time as director come to an end i would like do pull both you and Raven out of Totsuki to train and teach you personally in both culinary and your physical prowess"...."this is very generous of you Sir, but do you know when Azami is likely to strike?"
"unfortunately no, but the sooner we get started on your training the better!"....So you want to turn Ryo into a secret weapon! GrandFather?" not just that, but i'm sure you'll want to become the best you can for Raven, right!" Of course!".
"but could the training start in a couple of days, Sir? Megumi one of the members of kyokusei has invited myself and Raven to join them at a hot springs which could help Raven's recovery".

"very well, it would be very wise of you Kurokiba to rest as much as you can the training you will endure will be very taxing on you...but alas i must get back the luna festival will soon be here". before taking his leave Senzaemon gather Raven into a final hug, kissed her head promising their separation would only be for short while.

Couple days later
Raven and Ryo found themselves sitting at the back of the mini bus in which all the members of kyokusei including Isshiki both Aldini brothers plus Mito and Akira, they were on their way to the hot springs Megumi had been assigned to during the stagiaire and because of her hard work, she was allowed to use the springs whenever she or her friends wanted.
it had been many years since Raven last went to a hot springs, having most of her time dedicated to equestrian sports and her horses,

because they were quite a few guys going with them Ryo was finding difficult to relax, and as tired as Raven was she certainly didn't miss how tense he was. so she leaned down to give him a must need cuddle and reassure him he had nothing to worry about. "you ok Ryo? you seem tense" Of course i'm tense, i don't trust other guys around you!...although i thought Yukihira would challenged me to a shokugeki by now!".
his thoughts were interrupted by Akira, "is shokugekies all you ever think about?...."well then why are you here? bastard!"..."i was asked really happily".
it didn't take long to reach the hot springs and for everyone to change into yukatas so they could enjoy the baths. but first Shun, Zenji, Megumi and Isshiki showed off their impressive ping-pong skills.

as the group watched on as Megumi the sweet, timid girl they knew turned into a semi ping-pong pro before their eyes. Raven went to look at what kinds of hot springs were available and enquire which one would be best to soothe her aching body, and must to her great pleasure this particular hot springs had a co-ed baths.
soon a sound of distress could be heard coming from the hostess of the inn, causing Megumi to abandon the match she was in against Isshiki letting him win by default. and because no one wanted to go against him after seeing how intense he could play.
everyone made they're way to the springs. before Ryo left he kissed Raven in front of everyone causing them blush, cause nosebleeds and curse him for having a girlfriend as gorgeous as Raven. "hey. Me Soma and Akira are going to go and see if we can catch this river master, are you going to be ok with your injury?"
"yeah i'll be fine, i'm join the girls first then use one the hotter springs which should help my aching body, but be careful please".

it didn't long for the group to begin enjoying the wonderful hot waters of the springs, Raven joined Mito, Ryoko and Yuki. but as she took off her yukata her beautiful pearl like skin easily showed up the nasty bruise along her rib cage and of course the questions about her and Ryo soon began. "sooo~Shadow~, yes Mito? how long have you and Kurokiba-kun been together? to be honest, i haven't really been keeping an eye on that. but he asked to court me just after you guys went to the training camp".
"what is it about Kurokiba-kun, that made you fall for him? Oh!...jeez Ryoko, how long have got, well when he first joined History SOC is when i first saw him. well up close anyway...and well he ticks all the right boxes for me, plus he's so sweet".
"speaking of which since everyone saw that kiss he planted on you at selection, are you and Ryo....being physical yet?" Oh you mean are we having sex now?" Yuki, Ryoko and Mito soon turned a burning red as Raven/Shadow had been so straight forward in asking that. "and to answer your question Yuki....Yes me and Ryo are in a physical relationship now, and no I'm not going to describe it either!".

the hot water was soon doing wonders for Raven poor bones as she sat back against the baths edge Mito and Ryoko had heard from Megumi that Ryo's girlfriend had been injured.

"so we heard about what happened at the stagiaire, how bad is your injury?" well, i now have two more broken bones to add to the collection" the conversations went on for little while longer before the three became silent as they enjoyed the hot water....but poor Yuki's issue with bigger breasts reached boiling point. after all she was surrounded by three beautiful young women all of whom were very well endowed.
"this is-this is, This Is SO UNFAIR!" believing that Ikumi Mito's size was caused by the power of meat and why it wasn't working for her leaving Ikumi Mito a little stuck for words. "err~ don't mind her Mito she's always like whenever we enter the baths. but i wonder what happened to Megumi?"

after a few hours in the baths Raven decided to go to hers and Ryo's room to get some sleep as the pain medication was starting to make her tired. as she drifted off, Raven couldn't imagine the events that would happen while she slept.

like for example,
Down at the river
fishing for the river master proved more of a challenge the boys could ever imagine, because in truth none of them had ever gone fishing in a river. including Ryo, the one to catch anything was Akira and....well it was the farthest thing from a legendary River Master.

but finally the powerful fish was hooked by Soma, but even with the help of both Ryo and Akira. the River Master proved to be to much for them. evidence of this when all three pulled into the river and swept down over a waterfall.

Somewhere up in the Mountains
Takumi Aldini had been searching around the mountains looking for Soma after hearing he had gone to do battle with Ryo and Akira.

and was now running around the mountain calling out Soma's name.

in the kitchens
the sound of distress Megumi heard was the result of the chef spraining his back trying to prepare monkfish. and because of the unexpected arrival of Erina, Hisako and Alice. the inn was now under staffed.

so Megumi and other members of kyokusei who are always ready to please had to stand in of the inn's kitchen staff and serve unbeknownst them the God Tongue herself.

Back with Raven
by the time Raven woke up it was already dark as it was the beginning of autumn, she got dressed in a beautiful plain black kimono and tied her hair up to resemble a rose leaving her bangs to elegantly frame her face.
when to see if Ryo had returned yet but she soon came cross Ikumi Mito, Ryoko and Yuki who were admiring the beautiful colours of the leafs, "it's fall! is~ this is getting so fired up!" hey guys!...Oh hey there Shadow are you feeling any better?" mmm~yeah thanks...have you guys seen!".
Raven was suddenly cut off when Ryo, Soma and Akira walked out of the bushes, looking very much worse for wear. "where have you guys been, this whole time?" as Raven went to hug Ryo, "oooh you are soaked to the skin! and not in a good way...what happened?"

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