chapter 27

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Through out the week of the moon banquet Raven was under going training from her secret mentor Mr Kibishi because it was only during this type of event when most student were busy preparing their stalls, Historical SOC and the library were quiet. And as for Ryo his training with Master Senzaemon had begun. Because both were very intelligent they picked up the new techniques very quickly.

However around the fifth day of the festival Azami made his appearance within the ground of Totsuki confronting Erina directly. After hearing that Azami was indeed at Totsuki academy Master Senzaemon left Ryo to train while he went to confront Nakamura personally. And while in front of Erina, Soma and Megumi. and all the guests at Erina's mock restaurant his coup against director Senzaemon was already in action.

But because Azami had struck faster than Senzaemon had anticipated it meant that Ryo who he had pulled out of Totsuki and because Ryo had tied for first place with Akira meant he was safe from expulsion. But Raven on the other hand was not so safe.

And so in front of everyone and many cameras Master Senzaemon Nakiri had his position as director removed from him and was ordered to leave Totsuki academy by it new director Azami Nakamura.

A few days later.
A ceremony for Azami was to be held welcoming him to Totsuki as the new director. Those who attended were easily swept up by his silver tongue for they were unaware of his cruelty towards Erina a few nights ago, but as for Erina's guest who were also present at the ceremony and saw first hand how abusive Azami was towards his own daughter were disgusted but equally unable to do or say a word.

As soon as the ceremony was over Azami went to take a look around his new play ground. And he wasn't messing around. he knew what he wanted from the students and for Totsuki become. still obsessed with his perfect culinary world.

This was broadcast all over Totsuki academy so naturally Raven and Mr Kibishi were watching this. Unlike her sister Raven did not fear her father and it was in her very good fortune that she had some very good allies. Plus her incredible palate. So there really wasn't much for her to worry about.

Back in Nakiri mansion.
Erina was once again isolated from everyone even from Hisako. Azami had gone back to old ways with her. Making himself the only person Erina could rely on. fortunately thanks to Alice letting Ryo go. Alice had become much more reliable on herself. So when she was out for a walk a companied by one her bodyguards. And after being confronted by Hisako about what Azami had done Alice decided she was done with his behaviour.

She went back the mansion with Hisako and her bodyguard to get Erina away from her abusive father.

In a weird twist of fate Erina ended up in Kyokusei dorm where unbeknownst to her. Her grandfather had recently visited seeking help from Soma Yukihira to help safe her. And of whom had overturned Erina's decision to fail him.

And because Soma was the son of Joichiro Saiba the very chef she idolized more than anyone. And the one who had be keeping Senzaemon informed about any and all of Azami's moves. Plus Joichiro had been the one to convince Senzaemon that Erina's best chance against her father was Soma and others of her age.

And during her time at Kyokusei Erina for the first time had been exposed to domestic house cleaning and chores. Such as laundry and the vacuum cleaner.

But however all Erina's hard work was undone by Yuki's animals.

And because Daigo and Shoji had been fighting over who would clean the bathroom on cleaning day. The bath tub ended up with a huge crack which meant everyone including Alice and Hisako who had been checking up on Erina. To be covered in dust and having to use a local bath house in the city.

During the strangler hunt.
Azami soon made his intentions for the school known too all. Stating that all research societies and groups were being disbanded. including Kyokusei dorm!

The introduction of the CENTRAL institution an elite collection of students who would follow his and the TEN's ways in creating new cuisine. And Central would decide everything as to what the students would be making. And any who would not follow these rules would be expelled.
believing the old ways of being expelled if anyone could not meet the targets required was unnecessarily cruel. And all lectures and teaching would held at Central. Azami's silver tongue spoke about how all who join with him and Central would one been seen as equals to the Ten. Unaware that they would giving away their right be the chefs they wanted.

Naturally this didn't not go over well with many student and seminaries. their only options were to join Central but they could try and safe their societies by winning shokugekies against members of the TEN and Central.

Raven was disgusted by this but not entirely surprised by her father's narrow minded ideal's "Disgusting! but is Historical Society safe Mr Kibishi?"...Yes not to worry Raven I recently had the court order updated. This building including Historical SOC and the library belong to me and are very safe.... Tell me. does your grandfather know for your abilities yet?".
"No. not yet, but maybe we should train some more. I doubt my father will be willing to follow the law. even if it is written".

Back at Kyokusei dorm.
They had visited by Etsuya Eizan the number 8th seat. who informed them and Soma that their beloved Kyokusei was to be closed and torn out. But of course the members were of course up for a fight. Soma decided to go the with calm approach. "Well seeing how already standing about talking. why don't have some tea or something? please".

Megumi and the others were stunned to say the least. Have, Some, Tea, Or, Something, Please? But Eizan let them know that if they promised to follow the rules and do as Central ordered they could remain at the dorm.

But for Soma this was not good enough no one was going to tell him how or what cook."But the decision to close and take down the dorm can be reversed? say via a food wars?", Absolutely! you are correct any decision made Central can be over turned by winning food wars".

This was exactly what Soma wanted to hear. it would take a few more days but it was soon announced all over Totsuki that soma would face Etsuya Eizan in a food war.
And shortly after.

Soma even though he was up against the number 8th seat of the Ten and his paid for judges. He had won 3-0 saving Kyokusei and thanks to Satoshi Isshiki. any shokugeki from that point forward would have a fair and non biased judging.

while the members of Kyokusei and Erina were celebrating Soma's victory. News of another Food wars was announced for the closure of Historical Society. the combatants were Raven/Shadow going up against Rindo Kobayashi the number 2 seat of the Ten.

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