chapter 15

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down at the fish market Raven had gone to simply see what was on offer but Ryo one the other hand was looking for ingredients for his curry dish mainly lobster and other crustaceans he could use his the dish. thankfully for him Raven wasn't as dumb as Alice in that when they got to the market he requested they hold hands. not only because he loved Raven but the market could be dangerous if you're not paying attention. which Alice is terrible at.
and not only was Raven sensible and stayed close but he found she was also very respectful towards him in the way that she clearly had something to ask him but instead of interrupting his thoughts. she just waited patiently for him to finish his shopping before asking him. and if she did want to go look at something Raven made sure to tell him before wandering off.

but the moment her hand left his. Ryo felt his heart drop even though she was only a few feet away he couldn't help but be a little worried and even a little cold down his right side without her there. thankfully she wasn't long in returning and when he felt her hand interlock with his again.
he could relax and release the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. and she would use her free hand to gently stroke his arm letting him know she was safe.

Raven was really enjoying the fish market with Ryo. she had seen some truly beautiful specimens even though she wasn't a chef. she knew good quality when she saw it and no surprised Ryo was picking out beautiful specimens left and right. but because she knew the market could be dangerous she made sure to stay close to Ryo.
and she made sure to comfort him after she had gone to get a closer look at the something that had caught her eye. even though he didn't say anything it was clear her absence upset him.
she would have to make it up to him later.

she didn't mean to scare him like that....bless him.

after a while they got to the crustacean section of the market. when she remembered that during the car ride one of the house chefs had rung to ask her about picking up some soft shell crabs for dinner. she also remembered that Ryo was after lobster for his curry dish.

as they walked around Raven couldn't help but think back to what Ryo had said about how he knew about her painting entrance before she told him. but as it was important for him to get everything he needed for his dishes Raven decided to wait until he was done before asking Ryo how he did know?

after a few more minutes he had gotten the lobsters which were of incredible quality and she had got the crabs for the chef. Ryo decided to take her to a cafe that he frequented whenever he came to the market.

in the cafe

while they waited for their orders to arrive when she decided to ask him. "Ryo?...hmm. you said that you knew about the painting before i told about it. how did you find it?..i'm not angry just curious". oohhh he had been dreading this. "well...the morning after i first saw you i tried to find you again but. i couldn't find any sign of you anywhere. it took me at least four hours to search the mansion and the grounds"..."woah you must of been exhausted". Raven had to admit she was impressed the mansion and it's ground are huge. "yeah...i had reached the top of the mainstairs just before the servants corridor".

"where i decided to rest against the railing and try to think where else i could look". all Raven could do was listen but she and Ryo were interrupted when their meals had arrived which were badly needed and delicious. after a few minutes Ryo continued "anyway...i finally saw you coming towards me...but when you got to where the painting is...there was a smash behind which took my attention off you for a second but when i turn back my horror you had disappeared".
he looked up to check her reaction so far. much to his relief she was pretty neutral, but in all honesty she just loved to hear him talk. despite his tall, powerful and intimidating frame his voice is surprisingly soft.

plus it also didn't hurt that he is beautiful.

"so i went up to where you had disappeared to try and find how you had just gone...because if you had gone back up the corridor i would of seen you"...yeah i get that...but after a few minutes the smell of cake filled the air".

"cake?..yeah from what i saw i think it was for Emma's birthday?..anyway i followed the smell and i found it was coming from behind the painting which is when i saw the switch"...but how did you smell the cake?! you must one hell of a sweet tooth.. sweet tooth? i have a jaw full of them. anyway you hadn't closed your door properly". aww dang it that's why Emma's reaction to the surprise seemed so fake. after finishing their breakfast Raven rung for the car cause they still had to get the fish home and finish the homework.

Back at home

it was around ten o'clock when they finally gone the rest of rest homework done. "so if you saw me in my kitchen why didn't you say anything?"...well i was in your room without permission i didn't want to scare you. plus when i overheard you tell Anna that you were going get ready for the Christmas dinner and hearing her call you Shadow. i thought i would meet you there"..."oh you thought i meant the Nakiri family dinner!?"...yeah but again no sign of you. but i remembered you were wearing your Totsuki academy uniform so i didn't give up on you".
"but then why didn't you ask someone?"...i-i-i couldn't. i mean there's not one picture or photo of your i thought you had been removed from the family and your name wasn't to be i really didn't want Alice to know!..she kind of a perv when it comes to relationships".

oh Raven was all too aware of Alice's "research" when came to love and romance yeah she really couldn't blame Ryo for keeping it to himself how he felt about her. "i see and i'm guessing you joined history SOC to meet and get closer to me?"...yes at first...but then i saw kitchens which are perfect for me...there's no fancy equipment and i can make dishes with my own hands instead of letting machines do it for me".
"speaking of kitchens are you going start on your curry dish now?.. yeah i would like to it may take some time"...ok well i'll get out of your hair so you can work. i'll be doing some training. ok?" yeah sure".

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