chapter 8

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back at the opening/welcome ceremony

Ryo stood in the crowd along with Miss Alice listening to Yukihira make as arse for himself, while at the same time keeping an eye out for the beautiful and yet elusive Miss Shadow. unfortunately this proved to harder than he thought. black hair and pale complexion were quite common in totsuki.

and with the major event of the training camp from hell becoming up, so he knew Milady wouldn't let him out of her sight, because as her loyal aid he couldn't be slacking off despite the fact he did most if not all the work.

when he and Miss Alice attended their classes and went around the school, Milady always liked to try and intimidate the younger freshmen students although it was Ryo who they were really afraid of. every now and then he would catch a glimpse of Miss Shadow but she was often to far away and he couldn't just come up with some kind of excuse to walk off without Milady catching on.

even at the camp from hell which was an absolute cakewalk for Ryo, she was nowhere to be seen and once again there was never any mention of Miss Shadow. but why the cake she had made during the Christmas holidays looked perfect. 

and something else was plaguing him, what if his reputation as Mad Dog Kurokiba one of the star/monster first year chefs that was all over the school had made Miss Shadow scare of him and not want to know him because of it.


because of the deal she had made with the teacher about keeping her scores below an A. meant she and few other student that hadn't met the required goals weren't allowed to attend the training camp from hell.

which meant the school would be very quiet for the next few day and she walk around without be harassed by egotistical and desperate chef looking for approval. plus history SOC was a bit different from the rest of the dorms.

where you were assigned a partner for the rest of the year, you had to work with them on one recipe together, but in history SOC students could choose to work with a partner if they so wanted, and because the main goals were to find and recreate ancient recipes and testing original recipes against its modern version there was no sense or need for contest and egos.

Raven hadn't opted to work alone, but number of student in the classes was uneven so there no other choice but to wait until more students applied for history SOC.


about a week after the train camp Ryo's prayer to god was about to be answered, because Miss Alice in all her vast wisdom not! had failed to get a flu vaccination before the start of the school term because she believed that growing up in Denmark where it is often very cold meant she immune to colds and flu's.

not realising that climate temperature and viruses had nothing in common whatsoever, meant he was given three whole weeks of freedom away from Milady, because even though he had the vaccination. Lady Leonora didn't want to risk him getting sick to, so told him he had to stay away from her.

and so Ryo's search for the lovely Miss Shadow could continue but again this was harder than he expected because totsuki is fucking huge! thank god for his motorbike. 

and because he could also work on his own school work instead of doing all of his and Miss Alice's, yes Ryo is Very intelligent. his grades and scores skyrocketed. after about two weeks of searching and only getting the odd glimpse, he decided to take a break because he was exhausted.

he went to his favourite place to take a nap, the slopes of the hill that lead to history SOC and the library. because it was very quiet. unaware this was where the break through he'd been looking for would make itself known.

as he laid there on grass eye closed listening to the wind in the trees thinking about Miss Shadow, when suddenly "are you alright there?" he knew that voice! "yeah...but i'm looking for the historical society, do you know where i can find it?"

he got to his feet and hid quietly behind one of the trees, there she was! talking to one the new freshmen, he couldn't believe his eyes as he watched her. the sunlight was reflecting off her porcelain white skin making her glow and the slightest breeze made her gorgeous hair dance and spackle a deep almost black midnight blue.

"yeah...i know where it is...that the dorm i go to... just follow me." finally! that's where she had been hiding and the more he thought it the more it made sense. of course she'd be in history SOC! everything about her was very secretive and those who attended history often kept to themselves.

he follow on behind them at a safe distance he didn't want to across creepy, watched as they approached the entrance and went inside, as he stepped inside he noted how quiet it was and how welcoming it felt to be able to hear his own thoughts.

Ryo thoughts were soon interrupted by the receptionist lady. "are you here to join Historical Society young man?"..."erm...yes but do you mind if i can checkout the kitchens first?" after all he might as well see what this place had to offer. "certainly follow me...but please do refrain from speaking to loudly i don't want to get you in trouble with head librarian Mr Kibishi".

he followed her, through the classroom taking note of the maze of towering bookshelves that took up half the room. through to the kitchens ignoring the whispers. the kitchen were everything Ryo could ever want, they were indeed professional grade and huge but they were basic. not one fixing machine or fancy equipment in sight.

he hated using the latest machines, he preferred to use his hand and his own ability to make dishes instead of just standing there while a machine did everything for him. the more he looked around the more he liked it. but again Miss Shadow could not be seen, but he simply figured she was in the bookshelves out of sight and unable to see him.

back in the entrance,

"do you have any application forms left?" Ryo had made up his mind he wanted to join history SOC. it was perfect for him and importantly Miss Alice would hate it and little did he know that the only Nakiri that was allowed anywhere near history SOC and the library was Raven.

so all was going well so far at least, Ryo had finally found out where his raven haired dream was hiding and found the perfect place to learn away from Miss Alice, but now the question remained and that was convincing Milady to allow him to transfer and join history without her.

but how?

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