Chapter 37

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As Raven and Ryo made they way to a empty kitchen so Ryo could make his goddess something to eat and sooth her from cold and pain. They suddenly heard a distant but familiar voice call out Raven's name. "Raven Nakiri!...It's been much too long my dear!" They looked to see the voice coming the most unexpected of people. So'e Nakiri! Master Senzaemon's son and uncle to Raven and Erina walking towards them.

The reason why his presence was so unexpected was because. 1, He was the head and founder of Nakiri international which meant he was often extremely busy. And 2, neither of them believed he just called out Raven's name without being reminded she still existed. Raven was more than a little taken back and was lost as to what to say. So Ryo spoke for both of them.

And being that Ryo saw him as his boss. After all Ryo had been Alice's aid ever since he was kid. He greeted So'e with all the formalities a boss would expert from his employee. "Erm, Good day sir...We weren't expecting to see you here. What with how busy your schedule is" Although in truth So'e had been hoping that even though Ryo was his little girl's/Alice aid. Ryo would come to see him as a father figure. But the formal greeting he received meant he would to explain that to Ryo and well... No time like present.

"Ryo...Me and Leonora adopted you as our son before you became Alice's aid. So could please try to see and refer to me as your father please?" Ryo thought a little before answering his f-father's request. "I'll will try. But i've referred to you as sir for so long it become muscle memory at this point."

Realizing that muscle memory was impossible to break So'e had no other choice but to accept Ryo reasoning for the formal greeting. And soon shifted his attention to Raven. And she truly wasn't expecting him to fawn over her has he would Alice. It had been so long since they last met Raven forgot that despite his serious and stern appearance her uncle was really a cinnamon roll of man especially towards the girls. She would over hear him calling Erina, Alice, Aunty Leonora and her mother princesses that needed protecting at all costs.

"Raven!... You have truly grown into a beautiful young lady. OH! And congratulations on becoming the national junior champion for show jumping and dressage!" You...Know about the riding competitions?' Raven really shocked to hear this from anyone else but Ryo. "Oh yes! in fact i never miss the chance to watch them. You were always such a talent with horses".

Even though this was indeed very pleasant to hear that not all the main Nakiri family had forgotten Raven. Ryo although not wanting to this ruin the atmosphere. Felt that his....father should know how rest of the family had gotten on with lives without giving his beloved so much as passing glance. But he left out the fact she could of been dead and nether the family nor So'e himself would have known.

"Then you would be the first family member to remember the Raven does still exist. Without needing to be told so." However the notion of being overlooked or even forgotten about was not unknown to So'e Nakiri. because he himself had experienced something quite similar to Raven.

Before So'e fell in love with Leonora. He was just as obsessed and competitive about cooking as his father and sister. But the more he tried to win and failed the more it began to affect him psychologically the fact that he was competing against a god tongue. Was making him paranoid which affected his sleep and health in general. And it was after meeting and falling in love with Leonora.

Did he decide move retire from competitive cooking and start up his company so even though So'e would indeed be busy and away a lot he would always make sure to show all his family how much he loved them literally showering them in praise. And why when he first met young Ryo So'e agreed with Leonora to adopt him as his son.

Because he saw in Ryo a lot the negative traits he once had. Paranoid, aggressive and dangerously competitive.

And as for why So'e Nakiri was here in Hokkaido was because he had been invited by Gin to be a judge along with two young twin prodigies of Lady Leonora. Berta and Cilla for Soma's and Akira's shokugeki. Both Ryo and Raven were relieved to know that their match was going to be judged fairly. So'e was called on by Gin that everything was ready. But before he left them to their business he promised Raven to make up for 10 years of no presents either christmas or birthday with letting buy whatever she wanted.

And before promising Ryo the same thing him enquired about why his adopted son never asked anything despite being told countless time he was as welcome to use the family funds as much Alice was. Ryo simply told his f-father he never felt part of their family other than a servant. And so it didn't feel right to use more than the other servants. And as for receiving gifts. Ryo simply told So'e quite bluntly that Alice's tastes sucked.

The shokugeki between Soma and Akira was set over a week for both the preparation and testing and completion for a dish containing bear meat. In the end Soma finally managed to beat Akira. The reason for Akira's defeat was because he was still looking to Jun shimoi for advice about his dish forgetting she had kicked out because of him.

And because his arrogance had lead him into becoming uncaring whether or not the person he was actually cook for found the dish delicious. However it during the week of preparation Gin had invited Jun to come and watch. And to finally talk some sense into thick headed former spice prodigy.

Which very much was delivered in form of painful backhanded slap not from Jun however but Ryo Kurokiba himself. Which Akira and especially Soma were shocked. Because even though he heard from Shadow that Ryo would be joining them at the hotel. He hadn't notice him standing near by with Jun. Who on the way she had told him how she had found Akira as homeless young boy in India.

Even though Ryo was big dude and was always wearing black except for the school uniform. He often went unnoticed until either he wore his bandana becoming loud and very aggressive or when he actually spoke a word at all.

And when Ryo saw Jun being to clench her fist he decided to step in and do it for her because that 1, her hand was too small and ineffective to deliver the message of how ungrateful and arrogant Akira had been towards her in all the years they had known each other. Because without Jun's help Akira properly would be dead in a back alleyway starved to death or been killed for stealing And 2, Ryo had found just how disrespectful Akira had been towards Raven.

And a shokugeki simply wasn't going to be good enough to convey the message of just how offended Ryo was that some arrogant bit of shit. Yes Ryo words. Had spoken to her so rudely. And 3 Ryo had been wanting to smack Akira for quite a while.

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