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2 weeks later

As you walk in to the fire house you guys get a call

Truck 81, engine 51, Ambo 61, squad 3
House fire

You sigh before dropping you bag at the squad table before running to squad and everyone else comes behind you

" ready, Halstead " severide asks and you nod " always " You slightly smile and jump in the back

As Tony drives out you watch as you guys drive away

You guys get to the house to see it was a bad fire. You all jump out and severide and Casey walk over to chief

" hey squad, gear up we're going in " severide says and you guys nod and run to get you mask and air

As you put your mask on you hear severide say that there could be 2 to 3 people in there and just take a quick look around

You all nod then make your way in side, when you guys get in it was worse then it looks outside

" take a quick look around, no more then 5 minutes " severide says and you guys nod then start to look around

As you get further in to the house there was a door closed so you go to open it but as you do a flame comes up and burns the whole side of your hand

You flinch as it hits you hand and you pull away clutching at your hand As you let out a groan of pain then you see cruz come up behind you

" you good, Halstead " He asks and you nod in pain but he doesn't see it

You clutch at the door handle again getting it open and you walk in side but don't see anything so you walk out again

" no ones in here, let's head out " severide says and you all fallow him you grabbing your hand as you walk out

When you get out you fall to the floor and take you mask off quickly and clutch your hand as it burns

You let out a small quiet groan as you try to look at your hand that was all burnt

You take your jacket off and gallo comes up to you " hey you ok " He says and you don't respond still trying to see your hand

When you final see it You see it's a quite big burn that will probably leave a scar

" Oh my god, Ava " gallo says as he sees it" it's fine " You say trying to pull your hand away

" Violet, Brett " gallo calls them over and so does severide, Casey and cheif

" you ok " Brett says and you take you hand of the burn to show her " Oh god, how the hell did that happen " severide says as Brett and violet both look at it " I don't know, I went to open the door and bom " you say and he nods

" so you have mostly 1st and 2nd degree burns but there is a bit of 3rd so we do want to take you to med just to wrap it up and take a look " Violet says and you look up to cheif and severide " yeah go, go get it looked at " He says and you nod then gallo helps you up " thank you " You slightly smile

As you walk up to the Ambo Brett hops in the back with you " don't you usually drive " you ask as you sit at one of the seats " yeah but I said I'll keep you company" she smiles and you nod

You guys get to med and you walk in with the both of them

" what we got " Maggie says then she sees you " Halstead, what can I do for you " she says and you show her your hand and her eyes widen " Dr.choi, room 5 " she says and you can see her call Will as you walk in and Dr.choi after you

" so what we got here " He says as he puts gloves on " nothing much " you say but as he comes over and touches it but you flinch as he does

" you ok " He says and you nod then he keeps at it

" so it's nothing serious, we'll just wrap it up then you can go back to shift " He smiles and you nod
" I'll be in in a few minutes " He says taking his gloves off and you nod again " thank you " You smile then he walks out a Will walks in

" you ok " He asks and you nod " yeah just a burn, Dr. Choi gonna just gonna wrap it up then I'll be good to go " You smile " good, good " He nods then sits in the chair next to you " hey, you don't have to stay, get back to work " you say

He smiles " I'm on my break " He says then Dr.choi comes in

He wraps your hand and you walk out with Will " hey I'll see you soon " You smile and hug him then you walk out to see Violet and Brett

" hey guys, you didn't have to stay " You say and they walk up to you
" we couldn't leave you stranded here" Violet says and you smile " so you all good " Brett asks nodding to your hand as you guys walk out to the Ambo " yeah, all good. Might be a bit sore but nothing I can't handle " you say then you guys get to the Ambo and hop in

" want me to come in back with you" Brett asks and you shake your head
" no I'll be fine, I'll just go on my phone " you say and she nods the closes the door

When you guys get to 51, you walk past the squad table " so, fire got you " cruz asks and nods to your hand
" yeah, not to bad" you smile and he nods the you sit next to him and you start a conversation with him, capp and cruz

It was now dinner and you take some potatos and chicken that gallo had made and you go sit next to him and Ritter

" hey " You smile and take gallos hand giving it a small squeeze making sure no one sees because none of them know about the two of you

You smile at him before you three start a conversation

At the end of the day you walk out with everyone else and end up not going to Molly's qnd just resting

*Other*                                        (Chicago Fire, Blake Gallo)Where stories live. Discover now