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It was now end of shift and you put a big hoodie on not wanting anyone to see the red marks under both your eyes

You go home and have a shower before getting in to  comfortable clothes

You go home and have a shower before getting in to  comfortable clothes

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You go down stairs after to see gallo already there

" hey I got you your favourite on my way here" he hands you a strawberry smoothie
" thanks" you say and kiss his cheek

You guys end up on the couch going to talk about everything

" so what did the doc say" he asks " basically just saying I'm about 16 weeks and to call to book scans or anything" you say and he nods
" well I think we should book a scan" he says and you slightly nod " well I'm not saying anything about what we're going to do but I think we should have the scan regardless" he says and you nod before calling the doctor

" hi this is Ava Halstead" you say " hi Ava this is doctor Maddy we spoke earlier" she says
" yeah we did, I was just wondering if I could maybe book that scan you were talking about" you say and you can hear her writing something down " of course we have something in three days which is a Friday" she says and you nod to yourself " yeah that will be perfect" you say and look at gallo and he nods
" ok I'll see you then" Maddy says before hanging up

You take a sip from your drink before looking up " so what's on your mind" gallo says and you look at him " I don't even know if I want the scan"you say and he nods " let's talk about this first then you can decide if you want it because if you don't I'll cancel it" he says and you nod

" Blake this changes every, do you even know if you want this" you say quickly " honestly, yeah but of you asked me a few months ago I'd probably give you a different answer" he says and you slightly nod " I'm not trying to tell you what to do because this is on you, taking time off work on you, sickness on you, body change on you, weird cravings on you" he slightly laughs " but when you take time off work I'll go in and tell everyone everything about you and how your doing, when your sick I'll rub your back maybe even make you soup, when your body changes I'll tell you how pretty you are and even when you call me at 3 a clock in the morning looking for ice cream I'll get it for you, cookie dough your favourite right" he laughs again " I'm not going anywhere but now I said my bit now you think about it" he says kisses your head and walking to the kitchen where you can't see him

That's when you start to cry quietly but this time happy tears, you honestly couldn't believe how lucky you were and you immediately call him

" you really wanna do this" you ask and he nods " wait actually if you would've told me a few months ago that i would be here having a serious conversation with you and think I'd just laugh in your face but here we are" you smile " having a baby together" you say and his eyes light up and hugs you as you laugh
" wait seriously" he says and you nod
" do you have some of that ice cream" you ask before he can even say anything and he gets up and goes to your freezer before pulling it out
" of course I do" he says giving it to you with a small kiss

" wait actually before you say anything I think wait a little bit before telling anyone and I going to be at work for other week or two" you say and he nods " of course" he says and you smile

You guys end up staying there for hours talking about anything and everything before the two of you fall asleep

You walk up happy and get up and get ready for shift

You walk down stairs to see gallo up and ready to leave

" hey good morning" you say and give him a small kiss " good morning, how's the bean" he says putting his hand on your stomach
" pretty good but hungry" you smile
" well I see you at shift" he says kissing you again before leaving

You get there early and make your self a smoothie instead of a coffee because you were going to cut out some of the coffee you drink

You guys get a call to a crash and you guys leave quickly

You guys get there and see alive wires all round the vehicle then truck gets them out of the way so you guys can get the man

You guys start getting him out but then a wire box above you guys explodes and you and severide stay near the man after he turns to you " you good" he asks and you nod " never better" you say and you guys work on it again as  Engine 43 work on the fire

As you and severide were caring him out one of the girls from engine 43 gets hit by a wire and gets  electrocuted so everyone runs over to her and her eye were opened and respond to Brett then another ambo comes and get her then you guys pack up and leave

Not long after you guys get back chief calls you guys in for a meeting and says the girl from 43 is blaming Pelham for what happened to her and saying everyone there would have to give statements

After you walk up to Pelham " sorry I wish I could do something" you say and he shakes his head " no your fine" he says and you smile before walking out

The rest of the day was quiet but you do need Brett's sister who is only two years old which was nice then after shift you go to Mollys  and when you were closing your Jeans you they seemed smaller then usual and you smile as you see the small bump but not noticeable

The rest of the day was quiet but you do need Brett's sister who is only two years old which was nice then after shift you go to Mollys  and when you were closing your Jeans you they seemed smaller then usual and you smile as you see the small bum...

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You spent your time at Mollys mostly with Capp, Tony and a little bit with gallo then you just go home and to sleep


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Hope you enjoyed

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