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As you were walking in to shift, you guys get a call so you throw your bag to the side almost tripping gallo with it " sorry" you smiled before running over the squad and you guys leave to the vehicle accident

You guys get there and squad immediately goes to the food truck

" help me out here" severide say's trying to get the door open with the man inside so you and Cruz run over and the three of you get him out and Cruz brings him to the paramedics

But he gets up again and tries to run back and the next thing the back off the food truck exploded with fire and severide gets him back to the paramedics

Not long after you all get the fire out and leave soon after

When you guys get back, you sat in the kitchen with gallo and Ritter

You get slightly jump as mouch sits on his couch and it collapses to the floor and you all get up quickly to see if he was ok

" how many time do I have to tell you guys that couches are meant to be sat on not flopped on" he say angrily and you slowly back away not wanting to get blamed

Gallo comes and sits next to you when mouch walks out with the two legs of the chair

You slightly laugh at gallos face " you scared of him" you ask and he slightly nods " yeah kinda" he says and you smile then kiss his cheek lightly before getting back to the sandwich you were eating

Mouch was now making Ritter take pictures of the crime scene as he calls it

After a while you walk out and see someone people talking to the guys from the food truck early

You walk up and here severide say something about helping him find his truck

" yeah I'll help you out with that" you say with a smile to severide and the man thanks you guys

At the end of shift you, Cruz and severide look for information and make a few calls about the truck and where it is

After a few hours you guys find the place and go in to take a look at it

Severide goes in there and takes a quick look around

" hey help me out with this" he said as he was trying to move a big gas tank which was heavy

He opens it " oh god" you say as you guys see it's full of drugs

Severide calls Upton to come because you didn't have your phone to call jay and Cruz goes back to the car to wait for her so you and severide both wait at the food truck

A few minutes later you hear something
" did you hear that" you quietly mumble and he nods before the both of you look around the truck but as you guys were walking back the owner appears

" you guys found my truck" he say and you both just look at him then he notices you guys had found his stuff and starts you grab something from his pocket

" Chicago pd, raise your hands" Upton say's pointing a gun at him and he slowly raises them and she finds the gun in his pocket

She makes him sit on the ground then he starts talking

" bad decision Kelly oh and I almost forgot Ava" he says and turns to you with a evil look

" i almost feel bad for you guys" he says and she takes him away with the handcuffs

" you good" severide turns to you and you nod

When he drops you home he said he'll keep you updated and you nod waving goodbye

Next shift you walk in and gallo came giving you a kiss " hey good morning" he says and you smile " good morning" you say and the both of you walk in and see mouch and Ritter have made a fall on investigation out of the broken chair and the both of you just walk past like nothing was there

At the end of shift you and severide walk out together as he explains what was happening with the food truck then you guys see this guys screaming for help so the both of you run with him but the next thing you get punched in the face and the both of you fall over

You both get up slightly and fight back but there was maybe 4 of them

Severide was on the ground and you could tell you were hurting one of the with you surprisingly long nails but then one of the others come up and you and severide both end up going unconscious from being thrown around

As truck was out on a call running late Stella gets a call from chief

" sorry chief I know I'm running a little late" she says " Stella is gallo there" he says and you slightly nods " yeah we're all here" she says confused " good cos you all need to hear this" he says " there's been an incident, severide and Ava have been attacked as they were leaving the fire house both on way to Chicago med" he says

You and severide were in one room but had a small curtain in between you guys and you hadn't seen him yet

You can hear Stella with him and gallo comes in to you

" hey" you say and he comes over and touches your slightly bruised face and your busted lip
" you ok" he asks and you nod

" hey Ava can you walk over here, a detective is here to talk to you and severide" chief says and you nod then gallo helps you up and you walk over to the other side

" you look almost as bad as me" you say as you sit beside him on the bed and he just smiles as the detective walks in

After asking you guys a few questions and he nods " well take care guys and be on High alert" he says before Leaving the room

You get discharged soon after and just go home and to sleep


What did u guys think and hope u liked it
Sorry for the long wait :)

*Other*                                        (Chicago Fire, Blake Gallo)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن