Everard's profile.

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Name: Everard Swan nee Rose

Age: 35

Sexe: Male

Ethnicity: German-Canadian (Born in Germany)


Elfriede Rose:

Age: 62

Ethnicity: German

Lover: Anasthasia Leonard

Parental Status: Father

Anastasia Rose nee Leonard:

Age: 60

Ethnicity: Canadian

Lover: Elfriede Rose

Parental Status: Mother

Lover: Charlie Swan (37), Husband.

Children: Isabella(Bella) Swan (Stepdaughter, 17) and Oliver(Ollie) Swan(Adopted son, 4)

All I found about Charlie's age was that he and Renee married right after high school (18) and had Bella shortly after, I summed it up to (20). Bella came to live with Charlie at (17). (20+17 = 37). Stay in school kids 👍. (Charlie and Renee will divorce at 22) (Charlie and Everard will adopt Oliver when he is 2)


Everard smokes as a means to destress. Charlie doesn't like it but allows it nonetheless, however, he has to be outside the house so as to not get the smell in the house.

Everard can speak German but mostly only does when he's mad, so as to not have any communication errors with others.

Everard and Charlie were hesitant to adopt because they didn't want to be bad parents.

Doesn't like Renee, because she was homophobic towards him and Charlie and also hopes she doesn't have the same influence on Isabella. From Charlie's stories of his time married to Renee, he concluded she is an entitled homophobic person who disliked the fact that Charlie was bisexual.

Species: Male Witch

Powers: Everard mostly focuses on healing magic. Meaning he can heal all wounds. The more he uses his powers the more his energy is drained, which can lead to passing out.

Backstory: Everard was born in Germany to two loving parents. His parents both came from long lines of witches, which Everard in turn inherited. They taught him magic and how to control his powers. At the age of 23, he goes to Forks, Washington, to visit the shifter tribe (OLNY THE ELDERS. SAM, JARED AND PAUL WERE NOT SHIFTED. I forgot to mention it.) to establish a more stable connection. During his time there he meets Charlie (23). They get to know each other and soon after Charlie asks him on a date, that date turns into multiple dates and eventually leads to Charlie asking Everard to be his significant other and to Everard moving in with him. During their wedding planning, they start talking about starting their own family and adopting a child. Over a year later Charlie proposes to Everard and months later they are getting married. That is where our story starts.


I thought I had posted the text but I went to check on it to update something and realized all that was here was the picture. Sorry!


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