Chapter 9.

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They were so close to kicking her out.

In the morning they had called Isabella down to have They explained that from now on she was no longer being allowed to drive herself to school, which will be performed by Charlie on his way to work, and that she will not be allowed out of her room unless asked. Obviously, she didn't take this well,

"What do you mean I can't leave?! You are both overreacting, it wasn't even a big deal." They stared at her, Everard took a breath,

"You made my son cry. Again. Implying that you've made him cry more than once. Do you think I'm overreacting? You come into my house! Make MY son cry!" He took a breath,

"But you think I'm...WE" He says while gesturing to himself and his husband, "Are overreacting." Bella looks towards her father for backup and isn't pleased when he nods in agreement with his lifetime partner. She scoffs, stands up, and leaves the kitchen.

Charlie sighs and stands up, giving his husband a kiss, and leaves the kitchen to get his uniform jacket for work.

Everard puts his head in his hands and gets up. He walks to the entrance and puts his shoes on, he reaches for a box on a shelf where the coats are hanging from and takes out his pack of cigarettes. He took one and the lighter, which was also in the box, and went outside to sit on the first step.

He took a drag of his now lit cig and closed his eyes. He was so glad that he had the day off today and could just relax and not have to worry about other people the whole day, except for his darling baby Ollie.

He heard the door open and opened his eyes looking towards his husband who had a mix of emotions on his face when he saw the cancer stick between his husband's fingers.

"Only one okay?" Charlie said after putting a hand on Everard's shoulder.

Everard nodded,

"Wasn't planning on doing more, gotta take care of Ollie after all." He took a drag. Then he heard the door open and close and second time.

He looked back, once more, and watched as his step-daughter's face contorted into disgust at the sight of him and the cigarette between his fingers.

Isabella walked past the both of them and got into the passenger side of the police cruiser.

"Well you better head out, don't wanna be late right?" Everard said smiling up at his lover. Charlie smiled and shook his head, kissed his lover's mouth, and got in his cruiser, driving away.

Everard put out his cigarette into the concrete and got up walking back into the house and preparing breakfast for his, still asleep, son. After he was done he walked to Oliver's room and gently woke him up,

"Hun. Hun wake up." He said while shaking him slightly. Ollie opened his eyes, confused as to why he was being shaken.

"Papa?" He said while rubbing his eyes with his small fists. Everard gently took his fists, knowing it wasn't good to rub the eyes, and smiled talking quietly to his four year old.

The day went by quite quickly.

Soon enough Charlie was back home, getting some beers, and Isabella was out cleaning her truck. Suddenly there was a loud bang. Everard and Ollie both jumped. Everard got up from his position on the carpet, where he was playing superheroes with his baby boy, and walked over to the window looking out and seeing Edward on the bright orange truck.

Everard watched as Edward told Isabella that he was going to bring her to his house but he suddenly stopped and looked down the road, most likely seeing and hearing the Blacks.

Edward looked towards the window Everard was standing at and saw him looking down at him. He quickly got in his car and drove away. Now that Edwierdo was gone Everard picked Oliver up and went to the front door. By the time he got his and little Ollie's shoes on and opened the door Jacod was observing the truck and Billy was conversing with Isabella.

"JACOB!!!" Oliver screamed from Everard's arms. He put his son down and watched as he ran at Jacob, who caught him. Charlie finally made his appearance by saying,

"Vitamin R,"

Billy looked back as Charlie placed the two cases on his lap and said,

"Well done chief, Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry," Charlie started pushing Billy towards the door when Billy brought up the recent case.

"Any luck with that Waylon case?" Charlie being subtle about it replied,

"Well," He took a breath, "I don't think it was an animal that killed him (A vamp killed him),"

"Never thought it was," Billy said also subtly agreeing with Charlie and letting him know he understood. Charlie pushed Bily up the stairs,

"So spread the word out at the rez, huh? (Let them know of the vampire attacks,)"

"Will do," Billy said, staring directly at Bella.

"Don't want no one else getting hurt, do we?"

Bella looked confused but followed them inside non the less. Everard and Jacob glanced at each other, clearly understanding the conversation that happened between the two men in the front of their little group.

Charlie Swan's Witch Of A Husband.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ