Chapter 10.

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Charlie was already gone in the early hours of the morning.

Everard had woken up to a cold and empty bed. He knew that his husband had gotten up early so he decided to take Oliver down to the Rez for a playdate with Jacob. After he had gotten everyone ready and asked Billy if they could come over for the day, he went to Bella's room. Everard knocked on her door,

"Isabella. I know you can hear me so I'll only say this once. You are not allowed to leave this house while we are gone, you are still being punished so no going out, if I find out you left your father and myself will be increasing the time and severity of your punishment."

He waited for an answer, but none came.

He sighed and headed down the stairs, where Ollie had put his shoes on attempting to tie them. Everard giggled covering his mouth with his hand, bent down and tied his son's shoelaces, and picked up his son, heading out. He soon left the house not knowing that he had been talking to an empty room.

It turns out Isabella Swan really doesn't care about what any of her authority figures have to say. She had left with Edward in the early morning to go visit his family and see his house.

They got to the Rez, parking near the Black's home. Everard and Ollie got out and went to the front door. Everard knocked, and to his surprise, Jacob opened the door. Although, something seemed off.

He looked pale like he had just heard his whole family had died.

His eyes were wide like he had seen a ghost.

They were also glossy like he was about to cry.

Everard was confused and Ollie was getting fussy about why Jacob hadn't said hi to him yet. However, it all made sense after he was led into the living room where he saw, Sam Uley, his imprint Emily, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, Quil Sr Altera V, Harry Clearwater, and Jacobs's father all sitting on the couches, mostly.

"Here, Everard, let me take Oliver," Billy said as he rolled over towards the duo, one hand stretched out. Everard handed his son to Billy, who promptly left the room. Everard turned to Jacob,

"I know you're scared and shocked, Jacob, it's normal." Jacob looked up into his uncle's eyes.

Jacob took a couple of steps, now standing in front of Everard. Without any warning, he hugged his uncle. They hugged for a while the reality finally sinking into Jacob.

The reality is that, because of the Cullens, his world is going to be flipped upside down. All because the Cullens were selfish creatures, not leaving forks even though they knew they were the cause of so many future young boys turning into wolves all because it wasn't sunny. Sam also told him about his great-something grandfather being the alpha and that when it came time Jacob would also be after shifting. He didn't want that. He doesn't want to be that. When the time comes he'll give it up to Sam.

Everard rubbed his back, silently wishing he could take this burden off his shoulders. Evered pulled Jacob away from him, holding him by his shoulders.

"You wanna see something cool?" Jacob wiped away non-spilled tears and nodded.

Everard looked towards the coffee table and spotted a glass of water. He waves his hand in an upwards motion sending the water from the glass into the air. 

Everard rotates his wrist sending the water around all the members in the room, all having a look of awe on their faces. By the time Everard placed the water back into the glass Jacob's tears dried.

After a couple more moments, Sam had decided that they needed to get back to work and so they left.

After they left, Jacob, who by then had gotten worn out by all the stress brought upon him, brought Everard towards the couch and snuggled up to him. They both had fallen asleep like that by the time Billy and Oliver came back into the living room. Oliver ran over to them and climbed up as well, snuggling on top of his father and Jacob, quickly Jacob wrapped an arm around little Ollie.

Billy smiled and decided to turn off the lights and let them rest, he had a feeling but wasn't sure yet.

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