Chapter 8

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Everard was irritated.

They had woken up late but they still did their usual morning routine. Everard said goodbye to his husband and stepdaughter, even though he only received one goodbye back. He dropped his little Ollie off normally and went to work like normal, even though he got there a little later than he was supposed to, he had thought today would be a peaceful day.

Half-way through his shift he had gotten a call from the high school Isabella goes to, Forks high school. They had said that Isabella wasn't in class today and they were wondering if she was sick so they wouldn't mark it as skipping,

"No Isabella left the house in her truck... Yes, yes I'm positive I saw her leave this morning...No I don't think her father took her out... No he's working right now I doubt he took his break that early in the morning... Alright I'll have a talk with her about skipping, sorry for the trouble."

He hung up the phone and went on with his day, making sure either he or Charlie would talk about this with her.

After his shift, Everard picked up Oliver from Billy's house and went home.

When he got home he saw Bella's truck in the driveway and started getting slightly angry again.

He sent Oliver to go take his shower and put his stuff away and started on dinner. Tonight he was making mongolian beef with fried rice. It was something he could whip up quickly so by the time Charlie would get home it would be done.

Suddenly Everard hears loud footsteps coming down the stairs, Oliver enters the kitchen crying.

Everard, now suddenly on high alert, kneeled down and caught his baby boy as said person flung himself towards his father.

Everard started rubbing his back and whispering things like, it's okay, you're fine and I love you. He pulled away from his little Ollie and asked,

"What's wrong baby, are you hurt? What happened?" Oliver whips his eyes using his fists, which Everard promptly grabbed and held in his own fists to prevent his son from causing irritation in his eyes.

"Isabella, wouldn't wet me in the bathroom! I just wanted to twake my shower and she went in fwont of the door and pushed me down!" He said, starting to bawl once more.

It was official, Everard was done.

From the start, Isabella treated him, his son and her father, his husband, like dirt beneath her shoes. He needed to talk to Charlie about this.

Everard kept his poor baby with him and had Oliver set the table for three people. Normally Everard would place four plates in case Isabella came out of her godforsaken room, but not after what she has done.

Charlie got home and entered the kitchen so everyone could start eating, like usual, only to find a pissed off husband and a tear-stained child and the moment his husband started speaking, he knew a certain someone had fucked up.

"We need to talk later." With no room to argue, not like he was going to, Charlie sat down and they all began to eat.

Charlie looked up towards Everard, "How was work today?"

Everard, not looking up from his meal, said, "It was good, except for the fact that the school called to let me know Isabella didn't show up for her classes." Now Charlie knew what Everard was mad about, but he could feel that there was more.

"What else? I doubt Ollie started crying because of that." Charlie pushed a little, thinking that maybe it was just another episode that happened at Billy's. Everard calmly replied,

"We will talk later." Charlie nodded, realizing that this was a little more serious than he had originally thought.

Later that night, after Oliver was tucked into bed, the couple sat down at the kitchen table to discuss the problem that came into their lives a few weeks ago.

Everard explained that he had sent Oliver up to take a shower and that Isabella hadn't let him in and had pushed him. He said that he couldn't keep seeing his son crying because of her. He knew he couldn't send her back to her mother's because they were traveling but he didn't want her near his son anymore.

Charlie agreed and said that now instead of Isabella driving herself to school he would drive her to and from school and that in the house she wouldn't be allowed to leave her room unless asked to.

They both knew that this wasn't going to be sufficient but for the time being that was all they could do because all they wanted was for there to be little to no interaction between Isabella and their Ollie.

They could both take the insults and backhanded comments but they drew the line at their son because he was the light in their lives, he was the reason to wake up in the morning, he was their reason to live and it broke their hearts to see him cry.


Hey I didn't want to make an "AN" but I must because I failed to put in the profile a key detail that literally is super important and that is that:

Sue Clearwater died before the story began and Leah Clearwater never existed.


Later on in the book, you will understand more as to why I've made these decisions but for now please keep that in mind for future events.

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