Chapter 5

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Everard woke up to an empty bed.

He had realized that Charlie went to go put winter tires on Isabella's truck, because even though she's rude and a horrible house guest, Charlie was still a cop and she was, unfortunately, still his daughter. Everard had decided it was time to get dressed and wake his son up. He wakes little Ollie up and get's him dressed and packed with all his regular items. Unfortunately, today was not a good day for Oliver. As Everard carried Oliver down the stairs Oliver started throwing a fit about not wanting to leave his father.

"Honey, it's going to be fine. You've stayed with Uncle Billy before." Everard says as he ties his son's shoes. Oliver, who not was calming down in the slightest said,

"But *hiccup* but, I down't wanna weave you! I want my Pwapwa!" Oliver yells bawling his eyes out. Everard sighs,

"How about, after I pick you up tonight we go get some ice cream," Everard says looking into his son's eyes. Oliver calms down at the thought of getting ice cream,

"Can I gwet the superman one?" Oliver says no longer crying. Everard smiled at his little Ollie,

"Of course my little angel," He picks up his son and opens the door as Everard walked through the door he sees his stepdaughter walk down the stairs.

We cut to Everard buckling Oliver into his car seat when he sees his husband in Isabella's truck pull into the driveway and said person walk out the door.

Everard closes his son's door and quickly kisses Charlie, who had exited the truck, and gets into his car. As he's pulling out of the driveway he watches his stepdaughter fall down the stairs. Everard was a little confused because he was sure they had put salt on them a couple days ago to make sure the stairs wouldn't freeze up when it decided to snow and freeze the stairs one day.

He shrugs it off chopping it up to her getting his husband's clumsiness. He heads over to the Blacks once more to drop off Oliver. Thankfully, little Ollie wasn't giving him a hard time like that morning.

"Hey Billy, I'm sorry if Oliver gives you a hard time, he might need his items today. He had a breakdown before coming here." Billy waved him off and headed inside with his godson.

As he leaves the house and drives off the rez he passes the same group of boys from last night. He waves at them and get's a call from Charlie.

"Hello my love, what is it you need from little ol'me?" Everard says after putting his phone on speaker to concentrate on driving. Charlie laughs,

"Well, honey, I'll be home late tonight because there was an animal attack in Mason County, I offered my help and they accepted,"

Everard got worried, " Just be careful please, you know what's out there," he says clearly worried. Charlie sighs through the phone,

"Don't worry Everard just have a nice relaxing day at work,"

"You too, love you,"

"Love you too,"

They end the call just as Everard pulls into the hospital parking lot.

We see Isabella and Eric walking through the doors of their chemistry class, Eric is asking her about a playlist for prom but Isabella wasn't paying attention because her attention was on Edward, who was also staring at her. She eventually sits down at their table as Edward turns towards her,

"Hello... I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself last week, I'm Edward Cullen," He says smiling slightly. Isabella was about to say something when the teacher interrupts her explaining what they were doing in class that period. After some awkward attempted flirting from both parties we skip to Everard heading towards a hospital room full of non-emergency patients.

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