Chapter 1

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Everard Swan was panicking.

He was running around the house trying to tidy it up and make it feel as honey as he could, while his baby boy, Oliver, sat in the living room watching cartoon network because today just so happened to be the day his husband was picking up Isabella. He wanted to clean up so that his stepdaughter would feel welcome in his home. He grabbed the house phone and dilled up the Black's house line.

A "Hello?" a younger voice was heard from the other side.

"Hey, Jacob! Would you mind coming down with the truck and your dad? Charlie left about half an hour ago and should be getting back with Isabella soon," the panicked Everard said into the telephone.

"Ya no prob uncle Everard I'll let my dad know and we'll be on our way! Buh bye!"

"Thank you, tell your dad I said hi. Buh bye," When Everard put down the phone he made his way to the kitchen to get started on dinner, making sure that his stepdaughter's first meal here wouldn't be pizza or something burnt by Charlie.

Everard had just finished stuffing four types of cheese into perogies when he heard a car pull into the driveway. Quickly washing his hands and whipping them off, he left the perogies on the counter for later and went to the living room to collect his son, putting him on his hip, and greet his husband and stepdaughter at the door. As he was heading towards the door it opened and in walked his lovely husband Charlie followed by Isabella, who didn't look very pleased with the arrangement she had willingly put herself in. When Charlie saw his husband and son he gave Everard a peck, kissed Oliver on the head, and turned around to introduce them to his daughter.

"Bella this is Everard and Oliver," Charlie hesitated, "my husband and son," Isabella's face morphed into disgust as she looked at the small family as the couple held each other. Everard was trying his best at giving her a warm smile, instead, it turned into an awkward smile as he saw her facial expression change.

"So you're a fag now?" She said while crossing her arms. The couple stood shocked at what she had said, not even the people in Forks would have said such a thing to them.

"And clearly you and your man-whore decided to expand," she said while looking towards Oliver.

"Whatever I'm heading up to my room if you guys haven't moved it," She said walking past them swiftly bumping shoulders with Everard, and heading up the stairs.

"Um yeah your room should be the same as before, first door to the left," Everard said, still in shock by what he had heard.

She suddenly stopped midway up the stairs and turned her head slightly "I wasn't talking to you, you whore." she said with disgust. She continued her way up and Everard started to tear up. He had never been so insulted by someone he was supposed to consider family! Not even strangers said anything like that to him, Oliver or Charlie!

Charlie quickly hugged his lover and child, apologizing for his daughter. He had apparently told her that he had remarried but didn't tell her to whom and that they had adopted. Charlie had assumed it didn't matter since it never had before. After calming down, Reverard headed back to the kitchen, leaving Oliver with his father, to finish making the forgotten perogies. Charlie was now sitting in the living room switching through channels to find something to entertain his son, to get his mind off what his daughter had said. Suddenly he heard a car in the driveway pulling in. He got up, taking Oliver with him, and headed towards the door, his eyes still full of tears. He opened the door and came face to face with Billy and Jacob Black.

"Hey! Charlie, your daughter here?" Billy said with a grin, his son not far behind him.

"Yeah, but umm I think I'll keep the truck until everything cools down," Charlie said with a hesitant smile.

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