Chapter 4

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Charlie Swan loved weekends.

As he was packing the car with a couple of chairs, a blanket, beach toys for his son, and the single cooler holding drinks and three PB&J circle sandwiches. Charlie closes the trunk of his husband's, Everard's, white SUV and turns around to see his husband zipping up his little Ollie's jacket.

"You both ready to get going?" Charlie says while smiling fondly at his family. Everard finishes zipping up the jacket and stands up to face his husband, while Oliver got in the car.

"Yep! Is there anything we're missing? Chairs, a blanket, toys, cooler?" Everard asked while walking to the passenger side of his car, letting his husband drive.

"Yep, everything is there," Charlie said while buckling up his youngest child in his booster seat. He closes the door when he's done, gets into the driver's seat, and starts the car. They drive to LaPush beach, passing the Black house, and park somewhat close to the beach. Everard and Charlie get out of the car, Charlie helping Oliver out, and bring their stuff down to the beach close to the water but not right at the edge. After setting up Oliver takes off his shoes leaving them on the blanket, which was placed on top of the sand, and takes off to make a sandcastle. Charlie trunks to Everard a serious expression on his face.

"I don't think having Isabella living here is the greatest option. I'm thinking of sending her back to Renee." quickly following up with,

"Don't get me wrong, I love her, I do. But the way she treats you and Ollie? I think it will be best." He says while looking his husband in the eyes.

Everard didn't know how to feel. Part of him did want to send her away so that the house could be peaceful once more, but the other part of him didn't want to send her away, hoping that maybe by the end of the year they could get along or at least act civil with each other.

"I don't think we should. By the end of the year if things don't change, then I will allow it. I do want to have a relationship with your daughter, Charlie. So let's wait, alright." Charlie was hesitant to accept but ended up doing anyway.

Half-an-hour goes by with the adults having cans of soft drinks, and Oliver just messing around in the sand. Suddenly, Everard stands up, taking off his shoes and rolling up his pants to his knees, walking up to Oliver and picking him up, and putting him on his hip. Everard walked into the water, till it reached mid-shin. Oliver looked up at his father, glowing with excitement.

"Do the twick Papa! The twick!" Ollie said, bouncing up and down in his father's arms. Everard chuckled,

"You know it's been a while Ollie"

"Pweeeeeaaaase!" Finally giving in, Everard holds his hand towards the water. As soon as he did this, strands of water swirled around them as Oliver giggled.

Charlie looked up from the cooler after grabbing the PB&Js and smiled thinking

'I can't believe how lucky I am'

 Charlie continued to smile at his husband and son playing with the water. Soon enough Everard was drained and decided to head back so they could eat. When they got back to the blanket, Everard whipped off his feet and put his socks and shoes back on, he sat down and whipped his son's feet as well, putting his shoes and socks on as well.

Everard sits on the blanket, back leaning against Charlie's legs. Oliver sits next to him and proceeds to munch on his sandwich, the two adults quickly following. When the trio had finished their lunch, Everard decided that they should go on a walk.

"Can we look for shwells?" Ollie said looking towards his parents with a sparkle in his eyes. The parent duo smiled and nodded. The family stood up and began to walk alongside the water, Oliver would put every shell he found into his little yellow bucket, which he grabbed before they began walking. Charlie and Everard didn't really worry about their stuff, it was LaPush where most of the people were quite kind and they also had the name 'SWAN' in bold letters on most of the things.

The walk lasted an hour-and-a-half from start to finish. Unfortunately, little Ollie couldn't find a lot of shells because it was the end of tourist season, even though there weren't many, and the fact that it was about to snow any day now didn't particularly help either. When they got back they packed up and decided to head to the diner to get some hot cocoa.

As they drive away from the beach Everard see's a group of three boys, all shirtless and with tattoos on their right shoulders, looking at them as they passed. Quickly Everard realized that those were the newly shifted, well shifters. Charlie glanced towards his husband,

"You ok? You haven't talked in a while." Charlie asked, trying to be nonchalant, but the concern was clear in his voice. Everard looked towards his husband with sadness clear on display.

"It's about the boys, Sam, Paul, and Jared. I just wished it would have been later or never that they would've shifted. They don't deserve this life, and if the Cullens don't leave soon I'm worried more of the boys will change." Everard said.

Yes, that's correct. Charlie and Everard know about the shifters and the vampires. Everard knows because he had to make an alliance with the tribe and they told him about the treaty with the Cullens. Everard had told Charlie after getting permission from the council when they wed, mostly because he was Everard's husband and Everard was part of the supernatural world. They also found it convenient since Charlie was the chief and can simply look into reports about strange things himself without others getting involved. However, they both decided to not let the Cullen clan know about their knowledge, so as to not get involved with them. (And because Charlie tried to help cook and cut himself in the process, which led Everard to decide to heal him.)

After a short drive, they arrived at the diner. They got out of the car, Charlie once again taking Oliver out of the car and carrying him into the diner, where they were seated by the waitress, and friend, Cora. Cora passe's them the menus

"Would you guys like anything to drink?" She said with a pen against her notepad. Charlie smiled at her about to respond when,

"Can we hawve hot coco?" the adorable voice of none other than little Ollie beat him to it. Charlie looked at his son laughing silently. Cora smiled and looked towards Charlie, he nodded, and she was off to the bar to get the drinks.

During the whole time at the diner, they make jokes and laugh. Anybody in there that looks at them can tell the couple is deeply in love and that they both love their son just as much if not more than each other.

Sunday night was a rollercoaster for sure. It was one of those rides where you have so much fun that you want to do it again and again till you drop. Everard had walked into the living room from the front door with pizzas in his hands. Charlie was on the couch next to Billy Black both watching the game playing on the TV very intently. Behind the couch Jacob and Oliver were on the ground, playing with a couple toy cars and blocks.

He sets the pizzas on the coffee table and before he can blink both Jacob and Oliver snatch a piece each. Everard chuckled to himself as he watched his husband and Billy both reach for pizza without taking their eyes off the screen.

He decided to head into the kitchen to get some soft drinks. As he walked past the stairs he looked up before shaking his head and going into the kitchen to get the soft drinks and a couple of glasses. He looked out the window watching as rain fell knowing it would probably freeze overnight. Reminding him he needed to get winter tires.

He could only hope that his relationship with Isabella would improve.

Charlie Swan's Witch Of A Husband.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ