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Everything was perfect. 

The guests were all seated and the priest was ready. Everard was getting nervous standing behind the doors of the chapel beside his father Elfriede. His father put his hand on the hand that was holding his arm, squeezing it gently. Everard smiled towards his father and looked back as the doors began to open when the music started.

They walked towards the altar trailing behind the flower girl, Emily Young, as they passed by family and friends on the way. His father left him at the altar next to the man he calls his fiance and soon-to-be husband. The priest began reciting the ceremonial words while the couple stole glances at each other. Finally turning towards each other while the words they've been waiting for were said,

"May the ring bearers please present the grooms with the rings." The priest said. Charlie turned around to face Billy Black, his longtime friend from his childhood, who smiled at him while giving him his ring. At the same time, Everard turned and leaned down to face Jacob Black, Billy's son who had grown on him during his time with the shifters. Jacob handed Everard his ring while grinning up at the man he grew close to. The couple turns back around facing each other holding the rings in their right hands

"Do you Charlie Swan, take Everard Rose to be your lawfully wedded husband. Through sickness and in health." The priest started looking at the man.

"I do," Charlie said while looking at the man standing before him. He grabs Everard's left hand and slips the ring onto his ring finger.

"And do you Everard Rose, take Charlie Swan to be your lawfully wedded husband. Through sickness and in health." The priest spoke those words for the second time.

"I do," Everard said before also slipping the ring onto Charlie's left ring finger.

"You may kiss the groom." The couple quickly embraced as people stood, clapped, and cheered. Charlie looked around for his daughter but didn't see her in the empty seat in the front row. Everard squeezed his hand to comfort him.

"I'm sorry" He whispered to Charlie. Charlie squeezed back.

"It's okay, I expected as much. I just didn't want to admit it."

The newlyweds came home after their long day and decided to just relax on the couch. Everard looked over to Charlie who looked sad.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Everard asked his newly-made husband.

"I just wanted Isabella to be there" Charlie looked down into his husband's eyes. Everard hugged his significant other in a tight embrace.

"You know Renee doesn't like our relationship. She would never allow Isabella to attend." Everard said knowing that Charlie needed to hear the hard truth about his ex-wife.

"I know I just hope Isabella doesn't end up like her," Charlie said.

"What? A spoiled entitled brat with anger issues?" Everard said, chuckling, which led Charlie to chuckle as well.

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