Chapter 3

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Isabella Swan was pissed.

Edward Cullen hadn't shown up in a week. At first, she wasn't so worked about it. She thought he might be sick. But, as the week progressed she got more and more frustrated. She had planned to talk to him, to confront him about what happened Monday, but most of all, to get closer to him. Every day at lunch, when she would look at where he usually sat to see if he had shown up, all she got were looks of disgust and a couple of glares from the table. When she got home Friday, she called her mother out of frustration.

"That's what's been happening all week! And don't even get me started on Charlie and his new family." Isabella said into her phone, towards her mother on the other side of the line.

"Did you know he got married? To a man! He's a total fag now!" While Isabella was talking to her mother she didn't hear the front door closing.

Everard had just come home from picking up Oliver after work. He had brought Oliver upstairs to his room, so he could unpack and get cleaned up, but as he was leaving his son's room to go to his own room and take a shower, he overheard his stepdaughter on the phone with her mother.

"I know! The worst part is that they have a son together! They shouldn't be allowed to have one. Plus, who do Everard and Oliver think they are? Do they think they can just walk into Charlie's life and be considered family? Yeah right, Charlie and Everard aren't anything but fags and Oliver is just a kid that got taken pity on because no one wanted him."

Everard was once again shocked by the amount of hatred Isabella had for him and his family. He walked away before she could go on another rant to her mother. As soon as he walked in he started crying. He got undressed and got in the shower and just cried. He tried to think of things he might have done to get this kind of treatment. Everard ended up laying in bed sobbing.

A couple of hours later, Charlie came home from work. He made his way upstairs to get changed out of his uniform. He stopped by Oliver's room to see how he was doing. When he looked in he saw his son playing with a firetruck and building blocks, Oliver was having fun making crashing sounds whenever the truck would knock over some of his building blocks. Charlie walked away and into his shared room. He immediately knew something was wrong. He could see Everard's red, puffy eyes.

"What happened!" Charlie said in a panicked voice.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Everard replied not looking towards his husband. Charlie obviously not believing him climbed on the bed and held Everard's face in his hands,

"It's not nothing honey. I'm worried, I almost never see you like this." Everard looked at Charlie, he started to cry again. Everard told Charlie what he heard Isabella saying as he walked out of their son's room.

"I just don't understand! What did I do wrong to cause her to hate me so much? I wouldn't mind it as much but to bring our little Ollie into it too?" Everard breaks free from Charlie's grasp and breaks down into his hands.

Charlie was done. He was so pissed at his daughter. He stormed out of the bedroom and, from then on, all that could be heard from Isabella's room was yelling from both parties. Everard calmed down and looked at the clock on his nightstand.

5:27 pm.

He got up and went downstairs to make dinner for tonight. He decided that tonight it would be a simple meal, spaghetti. About half an hour later, the screaming match between Charlie and his daughter had finished, and dinner was complete.

"Diners ready!" Everard yelled after setting down the pot holding the spaghetti on the table coaster. Soon after he yelled a set of footsteps made their way down the stairs. Everard looked towards the entrance of their kitchen and dining room. Charlie Swan, now out of his uniform, entered the room with their son on his hip. He looked exhausted. When they made eye contact, Charlie smiled at his husband, walking closer to the table, putting his son down, and kissing his husband. A little while after they started eating Everard realized that one of their residents was missing.

"Where's Is-Bella, where's Bella?" Everard said, correcting himself mid-sentence. Charlie breathed out through his nose and finished the food in his mouth.

"I told her she was grounded. She's not allowed to leave her room unless it's to go to school or eat." Charlie said. Everard could tell his lover was at his last straw with Isabella's behaviour. Everard sighed but continued eating nonetheless. Throughout dinner, Charlie talked about how stupid teenagers were and that he had to give out 3 warnings today because they were tagging some stores in town. When dinner was coming to an end Everard decided that even though his stepdaughter seemed to hate him, he would still bring her a plate of food.

He made his way upstairs, plate in hand. Everard knocked on his stepdaughter's door. Not hearing a response and wondering if she was just asleep, he decided that he would leave the plate on her desk so that when she woke up she could eat. Opening the door, he looked inside. Seeing Isabella sitting at her desk, he opened the door fully.

She turned to him, clearly not happy with his presence, "What do you want." she said aggressively. Everard holds the plate out for her,

"I brought you dinner, even though you didn't come down, I thought you might want some."

Isabella became red. She started yelling.

"I don't want your fucking fag food!" She yelled

"You probably poisoned it to get fucking rid of me! Didn't you, you fucking fairy!" She kept screaming but Everard just put his head down and walked out, closing the door behind him as he did. As he walked back down the stairs he thought

'What did I do wrong?' 'Did I do something?'

He placed the plate on the table and headed into the living room to join his family. He sits down next to Charlie, who was on the sofa, and looked down at Oliver on the carpet watching the television. Everard leans into Charlie.

"Did I do something wrong?" Charlie looks towards his husband. Quick to say something.

"No honey, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm sure she'll come around eventually." Charlie tried to comfort his husband, to no avail. Everard decided he would go think for a while, alone.

"I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you when you come upstairs." As Everard walk to his bedroom he could only hope the weekend would bring him some joy from his rough week.

In the living room, Charlie decides he would bring his family, excluding Isabella, to the LaPush beach on Saturday to lighten his husband's mood. Following up on the Saturday fun, on Sunday he would invite the Black family over for dinner and watch some football.

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