Chapter 12

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Tristan's POV
All three of my men were dead. Each one had been shot a multitude of times, the overkill annoyingly gruesome.

What the fuck am I going to do?

My fucking shipment is gone. And my men are dead. I have a business meeting with a potential buyer tomorrow and now I have no product.

"Cazzo(Fuck)!" I cursed, irritated and pissed off at the fuckers who stole from me.

"We got a problem," Javier pointed out, holding one of the bullets he pulled out the chest of one of my dead men.

I looked up at him- having torn my gaze away from the bloody mess before me.

Javier examined the bullet closely, the tips of his fingers stained red as he slowly shifted his gaze to me. "This kind of bullet is only made in one country."

If it's fucking Russia, I will put a bullet in my damned cranium. I've had enough of those Cold War fuckers.

"Germany," he concluded.

"Oh for fucks sake."

Somehow that was worse.

"What are the fucking Germans doing here in America, huh?" My Jersey accent was peeking through, anger flowing through me like a stream.

"Isn't your buyer German?"

"Fucking fuck!"

I didn't know how else to express what I was feeling at the moment. I'd rather be home wishing my son sweet dreams and holding my wife while she sleeps.

But no, because the universe hates me. And because apparently, I don't deserve to catch a fucking break.

"How are you going to go about this?"

I was really in the mood to spill some blood, but decided that was too damn easy.

The German's clearly wanted me to look like a fucking fool. And I don't appreciate that shit.

"Since they want to fuck with my money, I'm going to fuck with theirs."

"Sounds like a plan."


I peeked my head into Mateo's room, not only wanting to check in on him but to just see his little face. We were only gone for a few days and video called as much as possible. But even that hadn't been enough.

Feeling pressure rise up in my nose, I eyed Loki, Sienna's black Bombay cat curled up beside my son.

Seeing him reminded me that I need to buy more benadryl. My eyes darted around the superhero themed room, Beast hiding on the other side of Mateo's bed.

"Venire(Come)," I ordered, pointing to the floor in front of my feet. He knew I wasn't going to repeat myself again, so he trotted over to me and sat down.

"Did you pee on Ma's flowers again?"
He dropped his head, looking up at me with a guilty expression on his face. "Cane cattivo(Bad dog)."

He whimpered, pretending to feel bad even though I knew the fucker does it on purpose. Just like his mother, he loves pissing me off.

"Go. And if I find out you ate Ma's flowers again, I'm taking your ass to the Vet."

His ears perked up when he heard "Vet"- the word like a trigger for him. He slowly walked away and made himself comfortable under Mateo's bed.

Approaching Mateo's bedside, I gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead before leaving him to rest.

I passed by a few of my guards as I made my way down the corridor.

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