Chapter 32

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Sienna's POV
"How are the boys?" My mother asked.

"They're good," I replied, watching the boys play with Beast in the pool while I lounged on a beach chair. "Gianni's adjusted well."

"That's good to hear after what he went through."

Although my parents know about Gianni losing his mother, I didn't tell them about him being kidnapped. I didn't want to put any unnecessary stress on them. They still don't necessarily agree with the lifestyle I've chosen to live.

"Yeah," I said with a smile. "Tristan and I are very proud of him."

He's come a long way. When he first got here, he was having nightmares almost every day. So I started letting him sleep in our room. That seemed to help a lot.

Of course, Tristan hated it. He was a grump the whole time. But didn't dare complain out loud.

Miko was the only one outside our family besides GiGi who knew about Gianni. Just recently, he ordered a bunk bed for the boys. The top was a twin and the bottom a queen-sized bed. And since Gianni was a little older, we gave him the bottom bunk.

Which didn't matter since they now share the bed. They prefer sleeping together. And seem to sleep a whole lot better that way.

"When are you going to visit, so we can finally meet him?"

"I don't know, mom. Tristan's still a little hesitant about bringing the kids anywhere right now."

"Is everything okay?" She asked in concern.

"Yeah," I lied. There wasn't anything my parents could do about Shäfer, so there was no point in even telling them. "Tristan's just feeling protective. That's all."

"I see."

"I'll let you know when things cool down a bit."

"Okay. Ti amo(I love you)."

"Anch'io ti amo(I love you too)."

I hung up and set my phone down on the little side table beside me before standing up to remove my clothes.

It's been so cold the majority of the fall season. So it was such a welcomed surprise to discover how warm it was outside. The sun's heat beat down on my exposed skin as my black bikini was revealed.

I've gotten back into my workout routine and the body I had before having Mateo is finally starting to make a reappearance. I feel good. I feel beautiful.

Walking over to the pool's edge, I sat down and let my feet dangle off the side. The pool was heated so the water felt warm against my skin.

I sighed, looking up to see Mateo trying to swim to me in his floaties. Beast doggy paddled to his side, barking up a storm as Mateo snaked his arms around his furry neck.

Gianni was a pretty good swimmer and didn't need floaties or a lifevest. He swam around the pool with ease, a bright smile on his face. I was glad he was having fun.

"Mommy," Mateo called.

I grabbed him and sat him down beside me. I brushed his curly wet hair out of his face and thanked Beast. "Good boy."

Beast's tongue hung out of his mouth as he panted and swam over to Gianni to check up on him.

I turned my attention back to Mateo. "Are you done swimming?"

He nodded, breathing heavily.

"Okay. Go inside and have one of the guys get you a snack."

Mateo stood up and ran back into the house. Gianni climbed out of the pool, dripping wet and exhausted as well. He then ran in after Mateo.

Beast pulled himself up and out of the pool, before shaking the water from out of his water. I squealed, holding my hand out to block Beast from spraying me. "Beast!"

The Cane Corso ran inside as soon as he heard me call his name. I huffed in frustration. "This is why I like cats!" I yelled as if the little fucker could understand me.

Rising to my feet, I grabbed one of the boys' towels and dried myself off. I was bent down drying off my legs when I heard a deep voice from behind me.

"Il nero ti sta bene, mamma(Black looks good on you, mama)."

I stood up and looked back with a smile.  Tristan's eyes flicker up from my ass to my eyes. "Grazie, amore mio(Thank you, my love)."

I turned and sat back down on the chair, ushering Tristan toward me with my index. He sauntered over, loosening his tie as he took a seat and sighed heavily.

"How was your meeting?" Tristan ended up telling me he went to a meeting instead of meeting up with Miko like he said. I guess his guilty conscience got the best of him.

He growled, his jaw tight. "Fucking Niccolo."

I rolled my eyes. Those two and their constant bickering. With such similarities, personality-wise, they're practically twins.

"What did he do now?"

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. It's been handled."

"Tristan... please tell me you didn't kill a Fierri."

"I almost did," he answered honestly, still visibly pissed about the exchange with Niccolo.

I sighed with relief. Pissing off the Fierri's is the most dangerous thing Tristan could ever do. And considering they've already lost a brother, they won't show any mercy should something happen to one of their own.

"Why? What could he have possibly said to piss you off that much?"

His eyes darken. Not with lust, but anger. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing if-".

"Sienna," he interrupted. "Let it go."

"Fine, but there is something else I wanted to talk to you about." He hummed a response, focused on the laces of my bikini bottoms. He tugged at one of them until it loosened.

I smacked his hand away. "Stop. I'm trying to have a real conversation with you."

"I'm listening," he replied lowly, his eyes still trained on my bottoms as he looped his finger around the hem.

My eyes rolled. "I'm pregnant with triplets," I blurted out, knowing the lie would catch his attention.

He lifted his gaze to me immediately. "What?" He cursed and groaned when he realized I was lying. "That's not funny, Sienna."

I giggled. "It kind of is."

It was his turn to roll his eyes. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked in annoyance.

I never got a chance to tell him what I wanted to talk about because both Katya and Angel came outside holding hands.

"Tris, there's something Angel and I would like to tell you," Katya said boldly.

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