Chapter 45

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Three weeks later (Epilogue pt. 1)
"I know your history with Russians isn't great, but we need them."

Marcellius and his brothers all stared at me, wondering why in the hell I invited Russian mob leader Yuri Vasiliev to our conference meeting.

Tristan asked me to attend in his place since he's still on his father-son camping trip with the boys. This was my first time being a part of their meetings. And honestly, it wasn't going as well as I'd hoped.

I'm not the most persuasive person. That's usually Tristan. But since he's gone, I'm all alone trying to convince a group of organized criminals that they should ally with a Russian.

Both hate the Russians and wouldn't be caught dead around one. I'm surprised they haven't killed Yuri and me already.

"I'm not asking for much," Yuri's deep voice boomed, laced heavily with the accent of a pureblooded Russian. "Just respect."

Apparently, Yuri is an old friend of uncle Manny. And if he can trust him, then so can we. It's just a matter of convincing Javier and Marcellius.

"Don't fucking tell me about respect, Vasiliev!" Marcellius snapped, a vein bulging out the side of his neck.

Cesare didn't even look up while Niccolo clenched his fists and bared his teeth. I don't know the whole story, but it's clear that their hatred for the Russians runs deep.

Vasiliev didn't react. The old man's eyes are bright blue and filled to the brim with a wisdom I've only ever seen in mama Lucci. He has crows feet around his eyes and his hair is as white as snow.

I wasn't totally quite sure he could be trusted. But uncle Manny wouldn't suggest him as an ally if he wasn't worth the risk. Besides, we were going to need all the help we can get against Shäfer.

And resources. I can't forget about resources. Vasiliev participates in all kinds of illegal activities. He sells drugs, guns, and runs an underground brothel and gambling club. He would be very useful to us and the debt we owe the Four.

Vasiliev stood to his feet. "This was a mistake."

I stood up with him. "Wait. Just hear me out for a minute." My eyes trail over everyone in the room, tears blurring my vision. "My family is in danger. So I'm sorry, but I don't give a fuck about what you feel toward the Russians. If you care about my family, then you will do everything you can to help me. To help us."

"Why the hell should we help you?" Niccolo asked. "Don't think we forgot about your little fling with the enemy."

I sighed deeply when I heard Niccolo's condescending voice. "You know what? Fuck all of you. Tristan and I will handle this ourselves."

I took my purse and stepped away from the table. I was sick and tired of being reminded of my past mistakes.

"Sienna, wait," I heard Javier call. "Apologies for being so difficult, but what value does a Russian have to us?"

I slowly turned around and told them about the file Shäfer has. "It contains information that could be quite detrimental to us. And by us, I mean you all as well."

Niccolo straightened in his chair. "What kind of information?"

"Everything. About our product, connections, and details about members."

"Cazzo(Fuck)," Cesare said through gritted teeth. "We need to kill that son of a bitch. And fast."

"And we will." I looked over at Yuri. "With his help. He has men who can destroy those fuckers from the inside out."

"Really?" Marcellius questioned. "You have spies? How is that possible?"

"Respect," Yuri answered.

Marcellius caught the snarkiness in his tone but chose to let it slide just this once. His attention shifts to me. "If this alliance fails, it will be on you. Fatto(Got it)?"

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