Chapter 30

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I watched the boys play with Mateo's toy cars while Tristan paced the floor in deep thought. Neither one of us was sure how we were going to explain Agostino's illegitimate love child.

I'd made the call to our family, letting them know that we needed to have an important family meeting.

We had Cyrus take the boys into another room just in case the news of Gianni doesn't go as planned.

Katya and mama Lucci came downstairs shortly after I called them. They both sported a look of confusion on their faces as they took a seat on the couch.

Neither one knew what to expect as this is the first time we'd had to call an important family meeting.

Tristan stopped pacing when I took his hand in mine. He looked down at me, golden honey eyes filled with the utmost concern.

We weren't too worried about how Katya would take the news. It was mama Lucci we were worried about.

He didn't want to be the one to break his mother's heart. Although she already knew about his inability to be faithful, a part of her really did love him. And to find out his many affairs had reproduced a child- her heart would shatter.

I hated this as much as Tristan did, but she was bound to find out sooner or later.

"I'm right here," I tell Tristan, giving his hand a comforting squeeze.

I allow him to tug me over to the open sofa so we can take a seat. Katya's dark eyes are wide and eager to hear the reasoning behind this sudden family meeting.

Tristan sucks in a deep breath through his nose before slowly exhaling out through his mouth. "Ma, there's something we need to tell you."

Mama Lucci blinks slowly, waiting patiently and expectantly. Her calm presence soothes Tristan as he draws in another breath of air.

I'm expecting him to explain what we needed to tell them, but instead, he has Cyrus bring Gianni out.

Katya and mama Lucci's eyes nearly burst as they stare at Gianni. They watch him closely, their jaws slack as he runs over to Tristan and climbs onto his lap.

Katya is the first to break the silence, her facial features converting into one of anger. "Tristano... I swear if you cheated on Sienna, I will decorate your chest with two more bullets!"

She starts to stand, ready to confront her brother in my defense. I shake my head and she stops in her tracks, her fists balled up at her sides.

"He's not mine," Tristan continues, trying his best to refrain from rolling his eyes at his sister.

Just like me, she often jumps to conclusions. And it annoys the hell out of Tristan.

She plops back down into her seat, confused and curious. "Then who's-"

"Agostino," Tristan's mother murmurs, tears threatening to spill from her brown eyes.

Tristan gives his mother a slow nod of confirmation, an apologetic expression etched on his face. "I'm sorry, ma. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but-"

"It's okay." Her thin lips pull into a small smile, the wrinkle lines around her mouth showing her age.

Mama Lucci was taking this surprisingly well. Had I found out Tristan was fucking around with other women and had impregnated one of them, I'd probably cut his shit off.

"There's more," Tristan began to say. Mama Lucci's smile vanished. "Gio's mother was killed and now he has no one."

She shook her head, her smile returning. It's warm and welcoming. "He doesn't have no one. He has us. We're his family."

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