Chapter 14

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Snuggled up on the couch with Mateo, the two of us ate popcorn and watched Paw Patrol. It was one of Mateo's favorite shows, the kid's cartoon always having kept him glued to the screen.

When I heard footsteps, I turned my head to see both Tristan and Miko passing through the foyer and entering the living room.

The two of them just got back from wherever they go when they smoke cigars together.

I keep trying to get Tristan to quit that nasty habit, but to no avail.

"Zio Miko è qui(Uncle Miko is here)," I tell Mateo. He tears his gaze away from the TV, nearly knocking the popcorn off my lap as he races to greet his uncle.

"Zio(Uncle)!" Mateo shouts as loud as his tiny voice will carry, bursting into a fit of giggles as Miko lifts him into the air.

Tristan saunters over, his fingers immediately curling under my chin to lift my head. His lips are on mine, my heart fluttering along with the butterflies in my stomach.

He'd kissed me with a fervent desire, his teeth piercing my lower lip. I gasped softly, pushing him away with a blush when I remembered we weren't alone.

Although Tristan abhors public displays of affection, when it comes to family and friends, he doesn't ever give a fuck if they're watching.

His breath smelled of old books and spices, the taste earthy with a hint of fruit.

When he tried to lean in to steal another kiss, I pushed on his face with the palm of my hand.

He scowled, becoming pissed because I wouldn't kiss him a second time. He hates when I deny him, of anything really, but kisses especially.

"Go brush your teeth."

Ignoring my request, he made another attempt to kiss me. I giggled, leaning back to dodge his cigar-laced kisses.

"Muovi quella dannata mano, Sienna(Move your damn hand, Sienna)."

He grabbed a hold of my wrist when I made no attempt to move, and pried my hand away from his face.

"You're pissing me off," he stated, frustration lit behind those amber eyes.

"I just want you to brush your teeth first. And then you can kiss me as much as you want."

He huffed out of irritation, dropping his hand and turning away in defeat.

I put the popcorn on the coffee table. Then I grabbed him by the belt and pulled him back before he could throw a temper tantrum.

It's adorable honestly. It's like dealing with Mateo when he wants dessert before finishing the rest of his vegetables.

Pulling myself up onto my knees, I snaked my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Stop being such a big baby."

He knows I hate kissing him when he has cigar breath. But just like when he's drunk, his sex drive increases tenfold.

"Get off me," he growled.




He frowned.

I smiled. "Go brush your teeth," I whispered. "And when you're done, I'll let you kiss both sets of lips." I bit the lobe of his ear just because I could, before plopping back down onto my back.

Then I watched him walk away.

Ugh. His ass is so fine.

Shaking my head at him and his behavior, I turned my attention back to Miko and Mateo.

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