Chapter 8

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“You're alive!”

I don’t know what comes over me, every emotion I’ve been too terrified to feel hitting me at once, until it all comes out as one single slap across his cheek.

How could you do this to me... How the fuck could you turn up here with those fucking eyes and call me that?

I hate him. I love him. I want to hurt him and hold him and never let him go again... until I kill him.

“Shorty...” Damn you, Ocean Eyes.

Tears still stream down my cheeks, but I grab the back of his neck, his hands immediately on my waist and pulling me into him.

“I thought you were dead.” He looks into my eyes.

“I know.” He leans in closer.

“I might kill you myself.” His nose brushes mine.

“Well then you’d better let me kiss you first... My dying wish.” Don’t ever say that again.

He presses forward, so do I, our lips meeting in a single touch that sends balls of flaming life burning through me. Everything else doesn’t matter, every question I have floats away, every sad memory, every sleepless night. I just pull on his neck, and fucking kiss him.

Kiss. That’s what started this. A kiss.

We’ve always had crazy chemistry, always knew what the other needed without a word, and no amount of distance has changed that. He tightens his arms, because he knows I need to feel him to know he’s real, I tug him in hard, because I can feel how desperate he is to absorb me into his soul.

This kiss so much like our first; slow, passionate, everything that just makes me cry harder.

He’s alive... He's here.


“Not yet.”

Don’t stop kissing me. Don’t stop.

Two years, two years of sobbing myself to sleep, two years of begging my heart to let him go, two years of looking into the eyes of my son and seeing his face. Two years of pain, grief and heartache.

Yet, with two minutes of his lips, he makes it all go away.

“Where the fuck have you been?” I ask breathlessly, his lips floating just above mine.

“I’ll tell you everything... just let me hold you first.” He runs his hands up my arms, over my shoulders, and onto my neck. I realise I’m doing the same thing to him, both of us just trying to feel each other back into the reality of our existence.

How can we do this? I feel like I’m in a dream.

“I don’t want to stop kissing you.”

“Then don’t.” The questions can wait.

He leans in again, stroking my lips with his, my hands on his neck to keep him there. I won’t let him go, I can’t.

“Fucking bag split! I’ve got half a chicken curry running down my...” My sister pulls me straight back to the real world, slamming me down so hard on the floor I jump back.

Holy fucking shit... I need to tell him about Teal.

“Belle? You okay?” No, of course I’m not okay! You were dead!

Why does this keep happening to me?!

“Belle? Who the fuck are you calling...” Brie finally looks up from wiping her legs, Heather and Liam coming to a standstill behind her, all three of them frozen as they look at the man with his hands still on my waist. “Fucking hell... is that...” Yep.

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