Chapter 25

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This is what she calls a little get together?!

There are people everywhere, like the entire community has come out to meet Teal. We’ve been here for an hour already, and I still haven’t met everyone.

“Congratulations! Look how much he’s like you!” Another woman kisses both Kage’s cheeks, melting at Teal in his arms. “And this must be May! Come here gorgeous, give your new Auntie Linda a hug!”

I don’t get much of a choice as she buries my face in her giant boobs.

Okay, it actually feels like home now, this is Brie’s version of affection too.

They’ve all been really kind to me, gracious and welcoming. I know they all have questions, but Valerie has made pretty clear to everyone that they aren’t to bother me with them. As far as they all know, me and Kage just decided to keep having a baby together quiet until now.

“Explain it to me again... how the hell did he get you? I mean, look at you, look at him, it doesn't make any sense.” I try not to laugh again at Kage’s fourteen-year-old cousin looking me up and down. No doubt this kid is definitely related to him.

“What can I say? I guess it’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

“Fucking charming!” Kage chuckles, spinning back around and resting his arm over my shoulders. “You're telling me that we aren't the best looking couple you've ever seen?”

Will you stop saying stuff like that! Half the people here think we’re together with how fucking close you’ve been sticking to me.

“Definitely not, I actually think she looks much better single... or at least she will for the next four years. The day I turn eighteen, I’m going to sweep her off her feet.” Okay Milo-circa-ten-years-ago. Sorry beaut, but I’m not your Josh.

I still burst out laughing again, he’s been the highlight of this thing for me, but Kage looks less than impressed, moving his arm down from my shoulders to my waist and pulling me closer to him.

“Lexus, don't you have some action figures to go play with, little boy?”

“No, I grew out of those. Have you still got the wrestling ones in your room, old man?” He raises his eyebrows at Kage, before his mum comes along, gripping him by the back of his neck and dragging him away from me.

“I thought I told you to leave that girl alone!”

“But she's my soul mate!” He gestures a phone with his hand to tell me to call him, and I’m starting to think maybe he’s the better fucking option.

“At least someone in your family likes me.” Ah shit, don’t you ever use your head before you talk, Maybelline!

I didn’t actually mean to say that out loud, but it’s not exactly a secret the way his sister feels about me, standing across the room with her little army of minions that haven't stopped killing me with their eyes yet.

“Don’t worry about her, she'll come around.” He smiles, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. I don’t think even his sister can get him down today, he's just too happy to see everyone.

I’m starting to think she had a point, especially as I look out at the crowd of people smiling back at him. He’s clearly got a lot of people that love him here, a life and a family, am I being fair by letting him move to Westbrooke? Or am I the selfish bitch his sister thinks I am?

“You know that if you don’t want to move, you don’t have to. I could get my licence, drive Teal up here on weekends, you could come down and get him, we’d make it work. I won’t ask you to move for me.” It would kill me, having to watch my son drive away, but we'd do it.

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