Chapter 103

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“Someone give that kid a brandy and knock it the fuck out!” Brie jumps back as Cara comes running past with so much ketchup dripping from her lips she looks like a vampire.

“Brie, I can’t just get my children drunk so they’ll sleep!” Leah rolls her eyes. “Trust me, I looked into the legalities... it’s called fucking abuse or something.” I’ve never been more grateful my kid didn’t get the psychotic-Thompson gene.

“When May wouldn’t sleep I’d give her cough medicine.”

“You mean when I wouldn’t sleep because I had a cough?” Brie looks me up and down.

“Yeah, sure, let’s go with that.”

The whole table erupts, the party in full swing. Mama T offered to rent us a venue somewhere but that’s just not me, a big family barbecue in The Manor backyard is all I wanted.

“Mum, can I take this suit off now?” Chase pulls at his tie like it's choking him.

“But baby boy, you look so cute!” Leah tries to pinch his cheek, but he smacks her hand away.

“I don’t want to look cute!” Does he realise when he throws a tantrum like this he just looks cuter?

“Well that works out well then, because vicious mongrels aren't cute.” Luna files her nails on her father’s lap, “Why don’t you just strip down naked and get a collar like the dog you are?”

Here they go...

“If anyone that needs a collar around here is you, because you’re an absolute bitc-”

“Chase Thompson!” Leah slams her son’s jaw shut before he can finish. “Who the fuck taught you to use language like that?!” She can’t even hear it, can she? “Apologise to Luna, now!”


“Chase! You will apologise!” Oh, Leah’s using her mum voice, this is serious.

I feel bad for the kid. Half the time Luna or Cara bait him into it, but he's the oldest of the three so it always falls on him to apologise.



“Fine!” He resentfully walks up to Luna. The smile on her face isn’t helping here.

“Yes, Chasey-Wasey? Anything you want to say to me?” Oh I bet there’s a whole host of stuff he wants to say to you, babe.

“Mum! Tell Luna-tic to stop calling me that!”

“Don’t call me Lunatic!” She sets her filed nails on his eyes, Leah just managing to rip him back in time to save his sight.

“Chase Milo Thompson! That is enough!” Mum voice and full naming him? The kid is fucked. “You will apologise to Luna, or so help me God, I shall see to it that your Auntie Beebee never gives you another one of those comic books for the rest of your life!”

He clenches his fists, shaking with anger. He might not look like the rest, but he’s a Thompson to the core... raging aggression issues and all.

“I’m sorry.” He genuinely tries to sound sincere through his gritted teeth, until I catch his mumble as he walks past me. “That you’re such a bitch.”

He knows I’ve heard him, winking at me before running down to the other side of the yard to get in more mischief, as far away from his mum as possible.

The aggression of a Thompson, the looks and charm of a Wilson. Dangerous combination.

“Babe, no work today.” Lisa drags Hannah’s chair next to her, kissing her shoulder and then up the side of her neck until finally she puts her phone down. She’s a bit of a workaholic, but that wife of hers has a way of making her submit.

My Future Husband Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat