Chapter 32

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Where is he?

“Auntie May, do you want me to wrap these?” I nod at Heather, running around the kitchen finishing off after close.

Kage should’ve been back by now, I haven’t even had the chance to talk to him. He came by during the lunch rush to pick up Teal, but it was too busy for me to give him more than a hello. Josh said he was going to show him a few places around town where he could work out and train, although I’m sure it was just an excuse for him to spend more time with my little ocean.

“Auntie May?”

“Just put it in a box.”

“Auntie May.”

“Anywhere is fine.”

“May!” Heather snaps her fingers in front of my face, forcing me to stop looking at the door for the first time in twenty minutes. She’s already packed away all the food, cleaned the tables, turned the chairs upside down, and has Liam mopping the floors. All whilst I’m still drying the same mug. “He must be huge to have you dicknotised like this.” Huge? What is she...

“Heather!” She bursts out laughing, running from behind the counter before I can hit her with the rag. “Don't let your dad hear you saying stuff like that! He’ll have you shipped off to a convent!”

“Mum says that a healthy and open conversation between parents and children about sex is essential.” I’ll remind her of that when you bring home your first tattooed biker.

“Do you need me to do anything else?” Liam asks softly as he finishes scrubbing the back corner. She’s got him so well trained. I want one.

“I think you’ve both done more than enough. You know it’s your summer break, neither of you have to be here. You're teenagers, go graffiti something or get arrested, the usual things.” They both chuckle, Heather taking the last remaining brownies and breaking off a small piece for Liam, before eating the rest herself. No wonder he’s so skinny.

The bell on the door ding's, and finally I can breathe. There he is.

“Hey little man, you two ready to go?” Teal giggles from his stroller, Josh pushing him, obviously. Liam doesn’t think twice about breaking off a bit of his miniscule brownie and offering it to my cutie pie. Total husband material that boy.

“May said she'd take us all down to the lighthouse before the tide comes in, if that’s okay?”

“Yeah, no worries. I’ve got to look at something in the office anyway, I’ll come pick you both up after?” Josh waves goodbye, Heather and Liam too busy cooing over Teal to notice the anxiety in the room, but there's no way I can ignore it when Kage finally looks up at me.


“Hey.” Great, it's fucking awkward.

“Kage, are you going to come with us to the lighthouse? It's really nice there, you know... private... and we can watch Teal the entire time.” I’m going to kill her. She gets his meddling bullshit from her aunt.

“I ummmm... Yeah, I’d love to.” Fabulous.

I lock up. Teal decides he's had enough of the stroller for one day, instead toddling down to the bay, Heather holding his one hand and Liam the other, leaving me to walk side by side with someone I’m not even sure what the fuck to say to.

It’s so awkward. It’s so fucking awkward... I’m not good with awkward, it forces me to say stupid things like;

“Do you know that when a new lion takes over a pride, he kills all the babies of the previous king. Just goes full Scar versus Mufasa on them, blood and guts everywhere, like baby lion happy meal nuggets.” That. I say something stupid like that.

My Future Husband Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant