Chapter 98

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To kill fast or slow, that is the question.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I used to have nightmares about this moment, but not anymore. He’s not a monster to me, he's nothing to me.

“Are we to have this conversation whilst I am held at gunpoint?”

“Well your other option is to let me have it with your lifeless corpse. Your choice.” He couldn't look more different to how he did the last time we saw each other, and it’s throwing me.

He’s alive again, nowhere near broken. He’s still got that stupid hot-but-can't-tell-what-colour-it-is hair, and those crazy silver eyes, but there's a calmness to him that wasn't there before.

“I am not the man you once knew.”

“And I’m not the girl.” He smirks, looking me up and down.

“You have not changed, Farfalla.”

“Actually, I have.” I cock my gun. “And don't ever call me that again.”

I should probably scream, there’s bound to be people on the street, but not a single person out there could stop him if he decides he wants me dead. My only chance is to keep him at the end of this gun.

“I do not want to hurt you.”

“I’ve heard that before.” His suave and debonair attitude drops, just a flicker of the pain that still lives within him visible. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what happened between us, and the truth is, I don’t think he ever actually wanted to hurt me, it’s just all he’s capable of doing.

Broken people, break people.

“I can assure you-” He goes to stand up, so I step forward and remind him it’s better he stays sitting. If you’re going to shoot a savage beast, you better make sure you don't miss. “I am here for Elba.”

“The last time I saw Elba, she was shooting you.” If it were under different circumstances, I might be able to smile at that, but I don’t think it will ever stop being the worst day of my life. “How would I know where she is now?”

“You were never a very good liar, Belle.” I know. It’s these stupid hazel eyes, everyone can see my soul in them. I blame Milo. “I know she came to you, I need to know where she is now.”

“I’ll take ‘you can go fuck yourself’ for two hundred, Alex.” Go on, do it, just for old times sake. Let me see that jaw tick.

“You are still infuriating.”

“Missed you too, babe.” I get the feeling he’s even less used to people treating him like this now than he was back then. He had power before, but now it’s radiating off him. He looks untouchable.


“Not my name, try again.” He grinds his teeth, but I’m far from afraid of him anymore. “You forgetting there in your old age?”

“I should’ve carved out your tongue.”

“And I should’ve gauged out your heart. Everyone makes mistakes.”

We fall back into the banter too easily, and in some fucked up way, I think he’s enjoying it.

“Where is Elba?”

“She’s just out licking pussy, should be back any second. She promised me the good loving tonight.”



We both heave with aggression. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who can piss me off quite as quickly as he can, and the feeling’s mutual.

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