Chapter 101

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"You can't wear that to church!"

"Watch me!" Brie does a twirl in what can only be described as underwear with an extra semi-transparent layer. "My husband is finally out of the damn hospital, so you can bet your fine ass I'll be looking my best."

"Brie, this is my son's christening!" I swear to Mother Teresa, if they fuck in that church...

"I know!"

"I can see your ass! And your nipples!"

"I'm going to wear a jacket to the ceremony!" She waves the little white cropped jacket at me. "Like you can say shit, look at that dress! Can you even breathe?!" Shut your face, I look hot.

Luna may be a little serial killer in the making, but hell does she know how to fight for a bargain. I'm never shopping without her again. "Did Heather make those?"

"The shoes? Yeah, but these are chilled compared to hers." Heather's all about the in your face designs, but these sneakers are really cute, all little diamonds and pearls to catch the light as I walk. "You should see the ones she's made for Cara." Not that the little shit will appreciate it.

"You sure this is a christening and not a wedding?" She raises her brow as I thread the ribbon through the laces.

"Don't give Kage any ideas." He still hasn't seen me in this.

"Cara!" Leah's voice comes from the hall, moments before her bride of Chucky wannabe scrambles into my sister's bedroom wearing nothing but her underwear and red liquid dripping from her hands.

It's begun. We're all next.

"Touch this fucking dress with those hands and you're dead!" Kage had the bright idea that everyone should wear white to the christening, because clearly he's a moron that hasn't spent enough time around children.

"It's just strawberries!" Cara licks her fingers. "I like it when they're soft... defenceless... when you can squeeze them in your fist and all the blood just comes shooting out... Delicious." Someone call Hannah.

"There you are you little... precious child that I'm not considering murdering!" Cara howls with laughter, running circles around her mum before escaping into the hall, only to go crashing straight into Jay's arms. "Ha-ha! You touched it, it's your problem now! Goodbye!" Leah slams the door on her husband, before falling back against it. "Whose bright idea was it to have fucking children?"

"I told you to get a dog instead. Or better yet; get Romeo neutered." Leah bursts out laughing, before dropping into my sister's lap and pretending she doesn't want to cry. She hasn't slept in five years, she's exhausted.

"Will you do my makeup while I sleep?"

"I got you." It's impossible not to be in awe of them; Leah crashing as soon as she hits the pillow, Brie already working on her eyes, me just sat on the outside loving them more. "Did Steve tell you about his suit? He can't wear the jacket yet, it's too heavy, and he's supposed to wear tight clothes against the compression thingy-ma-bobby, so I had to get him a new shirt."

Oh no, Steve in nothing but a skin-tight shirt two sizes too small. How will we survive?

He still needs more surgery, he's still in pain, but he wouldn't miss this for the world. I can't wait to see him later.

"Okay, I'm done, you're done, Kage is dressing Teal, I just need to check with..." I get distracted, noticing the new framed photograph at the side of her bed. "Brie..."

My Future Husband Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora