Chapter 12

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“Why do I have a feeling those two are going to be trouble?” Because they fucking are.

Milo and Kage have been talking for forty-five minutes straight, laughing their fucking heads off and already deeply invested in the little bromance they have going.

I had to send Jay and Steve away before he even got here, it was bad enough when he met Brie, I don’t need them going full big brother on him.

Milo is by far the most chilled of the three of them, although he hasn’t actually let Kage anywhere near me. I can’t tell if it’s to do with his protective instincts, or that he’s just happy to have someone who doesn't tell him to shut the fuck up when he's talking about ball anymore.

“Auntie May, he's awake.” Finally.

Heather’s beautiful voice comes through the baby monitor, I feel like a spy whenever she does it, our own walkie-talkies.

“Okay sweetheart, I’m coming up-”

“I’ve got it!” Josh almost throws me into the counter he runs so fast. Teal woke up at five, but fell back to sleep after he had his fill of my boobs. This idiot has been here for two hours waiting for him to wake back up again.

“Don’t you people have fucking jobs to go to?!” I swear, I’m running more of a youth centre than a cafe.

Granny’s has become a hub for all of them, I rarely get the door open in the morning before finding one of them helping themselves to coffee and making a mess of my pastries. I never lock up alone, I never get through breakfast without one of them giving their five cents on the best type of eggs, and don’t even get me started on the lunch run. I can’t get rid of them. I was a fool to open a place where they have constant access to food. Animals.

I pretend I hate it, but I don’t, not even close.

Heather comes down still in her pyjamas, being with me is the only time she can relax, making herself a peppermint tea but acting like it's a coffee and a cigarette, and she’s a waitress just getting off a twelve hour shift. I adore this girl.

“You got something I can spike this with?” I pour a healthy dose of sugar into her mug. “You’re doing the lords work, May Parker.” I’d like to think so.

Milo bursts out laughing again, Kage smiling back. At least he can look at him like he doesn’t just want to fuck him now.

“He’s stealing your man.”

“He isn’t my man.” He hasn’t even looked at me... well, at least when I’ve been looking at him.

“Was he always this big?” She asks, eating what’s left of Josh’s breakfast.

“Yep.” Stop stretching Kage, I still can’t stop picturing you without your top on.

“Damn, look at that... No wonder you got knocked up.” Fucking charming!

I shove her back upstairs, putting away the last of the deliveries before Josh finally emerges with my son. Kage’s head spins straight to him, the smile on his face melting my heart.

“So, we taking him on the swings today? Or the slide? He loves the slide.” For God’s sake.

“I’m sorry, Child Snatcher, this morning I kind of need to do it alone.” Josh nods but he’s not happy, smothering Teal in kisses as he puts him into his stroller. “Don’t eat everything while I’m gone. That goes for your future husband too.”

“I’m just one man! You think I can hold him back?” This is probably not the time for me to be making jokes about tying him down instead, right?

“You ready, Kage?” And by that, I mean; have you finished emotionally fucking my brother?

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