Chapter 109

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Hope goes down, the man who just took the bullet for her collapsing at her side.


Hannah takes out the sniper, Luca’s men down to single digits, but the damage is done.

“May!” Whatever pain I was feeling in my leg disappears. I leap up like I haven’t lost half my body’s blood, the bullets easing down to total silence as Luca’s men are demolished.

“Kage!” No, no, no!

His eyes are closed, body limp as I go crashing next to it. There’s so much blood on everyone, I can’t even see where he’s been hit.


“Where was he hit? WHERE WAS HE HIT?” I lift up his shirt, but I can’t see it. “Kage!”

“May... I don’t think he was.” What?

Hope searches him all over too, but the only place he’s bleeding is where he hit his head as they went down.


“Oh fuck.” He doesn’t even get his eyes open and I’m kissing him, tears falling down his cheeks. Don’t ever do that to me again! I thought I’d lost you!

“A man could get used to this.”

“Shut up before I kill you!” He wraps his arms around me, holding me on his lap and feeling me all over to make sure I’m real too. That was too close. “What happened? Did he miss?”

But then I hear the gasping.

“Fratello!” Antonio drops to his knees at his baby brother’s side, Jordano wrenching for breath. “Jordano, you must breathe!”

It was him.

He took a bullet for Hope.

“You fucking idiot!” I crawl from Kage until I’m at his side too. “You... Argh!” Why are people always taking fucking bullets for other people?! It’s been over a decade, won’t any of you learn?!

“Is she safe? Is her baby well?” Of course he knows she's fucking pregnant. He'd have to have been keeping an eye on her to have her in the same place as Kage back in London.

“I-I’m fine... I’m fine...” She doesn’t know what to do. This man is her human nightmare, and he could die right here so that she wouldn't.

He’s wearing a bulletproof vest, but it was a big shot, the bullet going through and hitting him in the chest.

“We must get you assistance, immediately. The bullet will not be fatal if we do.” Antonio presses his hands over Jordano’s chest. “Remember every reason you have to live.” They have a complicated relationship to say the least, but what siblings don’t? When it comes down to it, they love each other.

Jordano doesn’t smile, he only ever smirks, and this time it's no different... before it slowly fades away as he drops into unconsciousness.

“Is he dead?”

“Oh no you don’t!” My ass hits the floor, thrown all the way back into Kage's arms. Jordano’s wife taking a break from slitting the throats of near dead bodies to shove me aside and grip her husband’s head in her hands. “Wake up!”

“Rina, he is-”

“He is not going to die! Do you hear me? The only person that gets to kill you is me!” I thought she might kiss him, maybe slap him across the face, but no, she delivers a full-force, closed-fist punch that breaks his nose. “You are not allowed to die! Wake up!”

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