Epilogue One

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He actually fucking did it.

“One! Two! Three!” The crowd erupts, screaming as the first match’s winner has her arm thrown up in the middle of the ring.

“Is his match next? Is my future second-husband next?!” I knew I never should’ve brought her.

Brie and Charlie check each other’s makeup, although Charlie hasn’t stopped since he saw the first television camera. Kage gets us front row seats to WrestleMania and all these two can do is try and get themselves on TV!

“I don’t fucking know!” Kage isn’t in the main event, yet, and the card moves around so much it's just a waiting game.

“Seriously? What are they all yelling about? They realise it’s not fucking real, right?” Steve immediately regrets his words when every burly wrestling fan turns their sights on him. “They're going skin me alive.” Yep.

“Will you two just sit down?! You’re making my nerves worse!” I smack Charlie’s head so he’ll stop blowing kisses at the camera.

I just want this to be perfect for Kage. He’s worked so hard, he’s trained his ass off, and since Ivana became his manager he’s just gone from strength to strength. This match is going to change his career, and he deserves it.

“Want me to massage your shoulders there, beautiful? Or find any other kind of way to relax you...” Lexus rests his hand on the back of my neck. If he wasn’t Kage’s cousin, I think he’d lose his head for that.

“Lexus, we’ve had this conversation, hands to yourself!” Val hurls him away from me by his fro. “And stop forgetting you're only fifteen.”

“It’s only three more years, baby girl, then you won't have to pretend you  want him anymore.” Stop flirting with me... it's weirdly charming.

“Kill him!” Heather almost falls over the barricade hollering at the next match. Of course Liam hasn’t moved from his chair. “Just imagine he’s JK Rowling using ‘feminism’ to justify transphobia! Punch him in the fucking face!” I love her.

“Would you look at the ass on that one... Honey, come over here so I can take a bite out of that peach!” Charlie purrs his nails at the latest competitor, one I recognise.

To say Tyrone was surprised to find out Kage was still alive is a crazy under statement. His entire wrestling crew from back in Italy thought he was dead, but he cried seeing him. He’s still a slimy sleaze-ball, so greasy I want to cook my fries on him, but I’m glad he made it here too. Although him and Ivana have been going at it so much I’m surprised he can walk.

I hope he wins this one, it’ll put him in Kage’s match later.

“I can’t believe they all take this so seriously.” Steve complains. “You'd never see me screaming like that.”

“We'll see.”


“Hit him! Get a chair!” Yeah, that's Steve. “This is the greatest day of my life!”

No matter what, everyone falls victim to the squared-circle in the end.

Even Kage didn’t think he’d be this far up the card, the sunshine faded to night. He must be so nervous now.

They call for the last match before the main event, when very familiar music hits.

“Oh God, it's him...”

“Brie! Control yourself!” She’s shaking, I’m sure she’s crying, zipping down her dress far enough that her nipples are ready to spill out. “He’s just a man!” A really hot, tattooed, muscle-filled, gorgeous specimen of a man, but she needs to remember he’s Kage’s work colleague now!

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