Chapter 1

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Wednesday POV-

It's early. Far too early to have to open my eyes for something as useless as walking into hallways full of even more useless people. I value 2 people here. Eugene and Enid.

Enid is my roommate. My best friend. Tyler used to be.. my boyfriend I guess? Until I discovered he was the monster that was killing hundreds of innocent people.

Eugene is a good friend of mine. My fellow Hummer. They are an amazing person. Them getting hurt wasn't something I wanted to happen, unfortunately it did. But their okay now. Thank hell for that.

I sat up in my bed, my arms crossed. I looked over to Enid, noticing she was still asleep. Thing was on my desk palm down. Likely asleep.

"Thing, wake up." I said, grabbing his thumb and bending it back until it popped.

He flew awake.

"I'm going to wake Enid, please get my shoes." I said, pointing to the corner where I kept the schools uniform shoes, that I had drawn on with white sharpie.

Thing gave me the thumbs up, and I turned, going to wake up Enid.

I bent down whispering in here ear, "Ajax is here". I said, she shot up instantly.

She looked around, slapping me on the shoulder when she realized he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"You're cruel for that you know!" She said, sitting up and grabbing her uniform shirt off the end of her bed frame.

"I'm aware of my cruelty. I won't apologize, now get dressed." I said, throwing her skirt to her from the floor.

She blew raspberries at me, before slipping on the rest of her clothes and get up to do whatever it is with makeup and hair.

I walked into my closet and shut the door behind me. I took off my shirt, and put on my uniform shirt, followed by my vest and tie. I ripped off my shorts and quickly replaced them with black leggings and the skirt.

I untied my hair and began brushing it, only stopping when I reached my bed to put on my shoes.

"Why the rush? We still have an hour until we have to go." Enid said, slowly combing her hair.

I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the strange feeling in my stomach. Eugene calls it butterflys, but I like to think if it as spiders instead, it's much more comforting.

"I just like to be ready so I have downtime, you should know this by now." I said, tying the laces on my shoes.

Enid finish getting ready, and walked over to me, picking up my brush from next to me. She sat behind me and began combing my hair.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked, turning around and bringing her to a forced stop.

"I'm braiding your hair. Don't worry, I'll do it no different than it always is, I just wanna do it, give Thing a break." She said, forcing my head back around so she could continue.

I felt my face grow warm. I don't understand this feeling. It's utterly confusing. This happened when I kissed Tyler, why is it happening when my friend is doing my hair?

I decided to ignore it. I began playing with my fingers to keep myself distracted.

She finished my hair after about 30 minutes, leaving us with 15 to do whatever.

"That was torture.. thank you." I said. She smiled. Her eyes were closed.

I don't know what came over me, but I sat up, planting a small kiss on her forehead.

My eyes widdened as I realized what I did. I saw Edin's face paint itself with both a look of confusion and.. something else. Not disgust, something else, but I couldn't figure out what.

I stood up, grabbed my bag, and ran out. Thing jumped onto my shoulder before I exited the room.

Enid POV-

I watched while Wednesday and Thing left the room. I couldn't believe it. Wednesday kissed me. Not a real kiss but still!

I know I should be upset. You know, I have a boyfriend and all, but I can't be. I liked Wednesday since that night on the balcony, but I always assumed she was straight, or had no interest in romance.

I wanted to badly to say something, but I can't. If I do I'll mess everything up. So for now I think I'll just leave this as is. I won't mention it unless she does, then we can talk. I don't wanna make her uncomfortable.

Narrator POV, with Wednesday & Eugene-

"Oh my God Eugene why did I do that???" Wednesday sighed, repeatedly hitting her head onto the wall of the Hive building.

"It can't be that bad. Maybe she didn't even notice! Nonetheless, you have to move on from it. You can't ignore her, that'll give her the wrong idea, but I won't make you talk about it. If she brings it up, engage! Talk to her about it. But unless that happens, just move on." Eugene said, placing their hand onto Wednesday's shoulder.

"I guess your right. Sulking won't do anything. And look at me for hell's sake, I'm turning into a typical teenager. Like Bianca. I'm above that." Wednesday said, dusting off her clothes and fixing her hair.

"Exactly, you are above that. Now let's go, can't let this ruin our day now can we?" Eugene said, grabbing Wednesdays hand, dragging her to where everyone else was.

Wednesday cracked a smile, stopping herself almost instantly.

Maybe today won't be so bad.

=Word count= 927

A\N- Okay so I don't really know where this us going. I just wanna remind everyone that this is AU. I try to make their personalities as canon as possible. Anyway here's a quick thing with the important peoples sexuality, gender, and prounouns-

Wednesday- Asexual, Unlabeled (She\It)
Enid- Pansexual, Asexual (She\Her)
Eugene- Bisexual, Non-binary (They\Them)

Anyway that's all. I hope you enjoy this story! :)

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