Chapter 14

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-Wednesday POV-

I was laying down with Enid in her bed. She was on top on my, her face buried in my chest.

I was playing with her hair, until I noticed Thing.

"Where were you last night?" I asked, hoping he wasn't in the room.

'Eugene's dorm. Yoko, Bianca, Eugene and I played Uno.' They signed. I sighed in releife.

"Good. Breath a word of this to anyone without asking me and I will kill you. Understand?" I said, glaring at the hand on the bedside table.

He gave a thumbs up, and jumped down, crawling out the slightly open window. No wonder it's so cold. 

I was gonna ask them to close it, but he was gone before I got the chance.

"Enid, get up please, I have to close the window." I said, sitting up a bit.

Enid groaned, and pulled me back down.


"Enid. It's cold, I have to close the window. Plus, we fell asleep in our clothes, and I wanna change. We have a whole day to stay here and do whatever you want, but right now I wanna close the window so we don't freeze to death." I said, sitting up fully this time.

"Fine." She mumbled, sitting up and letting me off the bed.

I got up, and walked to the window, closing it.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I said, walking to my side of the room to get clothes ready.

"Mk, can I join you?" She asked. I felt my face get hot.

"No. I'm not comfortable with things like that for the time being. Possibly in the future." I said, putting my clothes on my bed and walking to her side of the room.

"Oh that's okay. I'll go after, leave me some hot wat-"

I cut her off by putting my hands on her hips and kissing her. She kissed back almost immediately. I pulled away first.

"Alright, I will. Be out soon." I said, taking my clothes and walking to the bathroom.

"All right, don't be to long darling!" Enid yelled, making my face go red almost instantly.

-Time skip-

I stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my body. I used another to dry my hair. I fluffed it up a few times with the towel, before tossing the towel in the corner. I finished drying off my body, and put on my undergarments before covering the remaining revealed skin with baby lotion. 

I then pulled on a pair of black leggings and fuzzy black socks. I put on a long sleeved black shirt, with a long black dress\coat double. I slipped on my usual black boots, and decided to let my hair air dry. If it wasn't dry when Enid got out of the shower, I'd blow dry it.

"Am I okay to come out?" I asked. I heard Enid yell a clear yes, and opened the door.

She was sitting on her bed, legs hanging off and crossed. She had a pile of clean clothes next to her.

"Wow.. you look-"

"Disgusting? Horrible? A simple example of the reason no one but a pastel werewolf wants to be with me?" I said, cutting her off.

"Well no one else can have you, your mine. And no, you look beautiful." She said, standing and wrapping her arms around my waist.

I felt my face get hot, before looking up and looking into her eyes.

"Kiss..?" I asked, basically overheating at this point.

She smiled, and leaned down to kiss me. Before she got the chance, I caught her lips in mine. She smiled, and kissed back. I pulled away after about 7 seconds. 

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