Chapter 3

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Wednesday POV-

By the time we got to the building, the bell had already signaled it was time to go. Eugene and I split, as we had different classes. 

I walked until I reached the conservatory, where Mrs. Thornhill would have been, If she hadn't needed to be replaced after you know, stabbing me. 

Her replacement was some older woman. No one knew anything about her. There were rumors going around that she was a distant relative of our, now deceased principal(who is yet to be replaced).

 No one knows if she's a normie or not, but it's safe to assume that's not the case. Her hair is always in a big nest, with what looks to be birds eggs in it. She has dark, seemingly soulless black eyes, much like mine. 

I was, once again, pulled from my thoughts when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. It was the oh so annoying Queen Bee, Bianca. I have to admit, after the whole deal with defeating Crackstone, she's become slightly more bearable. Of course, I'll never admit that. 

"Earth to Wednesday, Mrs. Freakazoid called on you." She said, gesturing towards the teacher(Who's name is actually Mrs. Rosevaine).

"Thank you Bianca. Now, Mrs. Addams, what is the name of this lovely specimen?" She asked, pointing to a flower enclosed in glass. 

"That would be the Nerium Oleander, also known as Jequirity. One of natures deadliest flowers." I said, my voice cold and dry. 

"Very good Wednesday, now can you tell us what makes this flower so deadly?" She asked, smiling like an idiot. 

"Every single part of the specimen is deadly upon ingestion, even inhaling the smoke from one of these beauty's burning is a health risk." I said, leaning back in my seat. 

"Very good!" She said, continuing on to answer questions from other students. 

Time skip-

It was finally break. During this time we can either go to our dorms or eat lunch. I prefer to take something small and go to the dorm. Enid isn't normally there during this time, so this gives me the chance to be alone for a bit. 

I walked to the dorm. I intended to stop at the library, but I saw a couple go in, and decided against it. 

I continued walking to the dorm. Once I got there, I walked in, noticing something was off. Someone else was here. 

"Enid! Are you here?" I yelled. No response.

I was worried, until I heard the shower was on. 

Enid? If you don't respond I'm coming In!" I yelled, knocking lightly on the door. 

There was no response for about a minuet. I gave up and walked in. 

I saw Enid bent over the bath, washing her hair with the shower head. 

"What are you doing-?" I said. 

This seemed to startle her, because she ended up hitting her head on the tub, dropping the shower head. It bounced up and sprayed water all over the both of us. 

Now we were both soaked. I was obviously upset, but the moment Enid saw me, she burst out laughing. 

"This is the farthest thing from funny Enid! I don't have another uniform, and neither do you, and now, we're all wet! You'll be lucky if we don't get in trouble for this. What were you even doing?" I said, trying to hide my anger. 

"Yoko spilled blood all over me, and it got in my hair. I took this uniform from her, since mine is covered in blood, but now I have nothing to wear." She said, pointing to her hair. It was in fact stained with blood. 

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